Action (May 1941 - Mar 1958)

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Vol. 17 No. 7 Editorial Staff— Art Houser, Editorial Dir.; Allan Balter, Editor; Vivian Jorgensen, Asst. Ed.; Esther Averall, Asst. Ed.; June Connor, Asst. Ed.; Wanda Whitman, Member Southern California Industrial Editors Association; International Council of Industrial Editors. Staff Photographers — Alex Babcock, Maria Brooks, Hal Gordon. Studio Club Editorial Committee — Roy Metzler. Board of Controllers— Larry Rice, Pres.; Bill Marsh, V. Pres.; Kordula Polenek, Secy.; Dick Darling, Treas.; John Armetta, West. Ave., TV; Dave Boyd, Elec. Fix.; Jack Brown, Elec. Prod.; Tony Cazneau, Transportation; Audrey Conlin, Publicity; Edward Conlon, Fire; Pat De Genner, Mill; Walter Erikson, Grip; Edith Flynn, Art Dept.; Jean Fontaine, Engin.; Hal Gordon, Print Shop; Paul Gordon, Cafe; Art Gottlieb, West. Ave.; Bess Lasky, Camera; Fred Lutz, Landscape; Bob Mintz, Cutting; Francis Morton, Labor; Sonny Olivero, Music; Estelle Richter, Casting; Estelle Trager, Music; Jimmy Trucano, Sound; Wally White, Spec. Camera Effects; Sam Wittenberg, Payroll. Honorary Members — F. L. Metzler, Lou Witte. 20th Century-Fox Studio Club ACTION is published monthly except January and August, at 10201 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles 64, California, by and for the membership of the 20th Century-Fox Studio Club. Reader participation is invited. Subscription price for non-members $3.00 per year. Single copy 25c. Telephone BRodshaw 2-6111. Entered as Second Class Matter April 2, 1942, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the act of March 3, 1879. On this month's cover Action celebrates Thanksgiving with a riot of color and a scene traditionally reminiscent of the beginnings of this joyous and uniquely American holiday. ONE PICTURE STORY 3 MEET THE DIRECTORS 4 GOLF "PRIZE NIGHT" 10 GOLF DONORS 1 1 AROUND THE LOT 12 COMPANY NEWS 14 SAFETY ON TOUR 15 BLOOD DONORS 16 BUYERS GUIDE 19