The advance of photography : its history and modern applications (1911)

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MICRO-PHOTOGRAPHY AND PROJECTION APPARATUS 325 higher magnifications is accompanied by sufficient heat to injure the specimen. The next two figures show one of these cameras as made by Leitz, the first arranged with the microscope placed horizontally, the other with the vertical arrangement. It will be noted from fig. 136, that in this position the mirror is detached. It is as well to note that for all purposes in which the amount of magnification desired Fig. 136. requires a greater camera extension than 25 cms., the horizontal position should invariably be adopted. The reason for this will be understood when it is remembered that in this kind of work it is of the utmost importance that even the slightest vibratory movement be avoided. It is preferable that the camera and the microscope should be arranged as shown in the figures, so that should any small disturbance take place, both may be affected in a similar degree, and distortion of the image may be avoided as much as possible. For those familiar with the microscope the arrangements as shown in the figures