A guide to film services of national associations ([1954])

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DEPARTMENT OF AUDIO-VISUAL INSTRUCTION (DAVI), National Education Association (NEA) Executive Secretary, j. j. MCPHERSON 1201 Sixteenth Street, N.W. ADams 4-4855 Washington 6, D.C. Founded 1923 Members: About 2,500 members in the Department, in- cluding individuals, schools, universities, nonprofit in- stitutions, and business organizations AIM: To promote the effective use of audio-visual materials on all levels of education with primary emphasis on public education. ACTIVITIES: Production: The Department does not produce educational mate- rials for use as instructional material in schools, colleges, and uni- versities. The only film produced to date, a seven-minute film, is designed to explain the school service activities of the Department. Distribution: The Department distributes no films, with the excep- tion of the film mentioned above. Utilization: Through the work of 15 national committees the De- partment is trying to carry on work in all areas of the audio-visual field, which will lead to better utilization of audio-visual materials. Of specific help are the guides to audio-visual materials in special areas that the Department publishes from time to time, and the information concerning films that is published in "Educational Screen," in the section on Audio-Visual Materials of the "Jour- nal of the National Education Association," and in "Audio-Visual Communication Review." Note: There are 68 other Divisions, Departments, and Commis- sions in the NEA, a number of which have produced and are dis- tributing films and other audio-visual materials. Information about them can be obtained from NEA headquarters. PUBLICATIONS: "Educational Screen," a privately owned and published magazine. Ten issues each* year are sent free to all DAVI members. "Audio-Visual Communication Review," a professional and re- search quarterly owned and published by the DAVI. 80 pp. per issue. Subscription to DAVI members, $3.00; to nonmem- bers, $4.00 yearly "DAVI Conference Proceedings," a full report on the annual meeting sent free to all members; to nonmembers, 75^ Special Publications: "The School Administrator and His Audio-Visual Program." 1954. 384pp. $3.75 "Guide to Films in Economic Education," synopses and evalua- tions of 140 films and filmstrips. 1952. 50 pp. $1.00 69