Amateur Movie Makers (Dec 1926-Dec 1927)

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RULES OF THE GAME Official Constitution and By-Laws of the Amateur Cinema League Article I — Name The name of this organization is Amateur Cinema League. Article II — Purposes The purposes of the Amateur Cinema League shall be the increase of pleasure to amateur cinematographers by aiding them to originate and produce amateur motion pictures; the advancement of amateur motion picture photography and the promotion of interest therein; the organization of clubs of amateur cinematographers; the publication of a periodical to provide information about amateur cinematography and to provide entertainment for the members of the League; the mutual exchange, for temporary showing, of films made by amateurs throughout the world; the stimulation in production of community photoplays to be written by members, directed by members and acted by members as amateur enterprises; the representation of amateur cinematographers in legislative affairs; the maintenance of fraternalism and a high standard of conduct among its members; and the promotion of other cognate interests. Article III — Divisions The Amateur Cinema League may establish divisions to carry out its purposes and the Board of Governors shall have power to establish such divisions. Article IV — Meetings Meetings shall be held as directed in the By-Laws. Article V — Amendments This Constitution may be amended at any time by a vote of a majority of all the members present at any meeting of the Amateur Cinema League, the call for which shall have specified the proposed amendment. No amendment shall be included in the call for the meeting unless proposed by at least ten members. By-Laws Article I — Membership Any person interested in amateur motion pictures shall be eligible for membership in the Amateur Cinema League. Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Executive Committee and a majority vote of this committee shall elect to membership. The Committee may refuse to elect any applicant who in their opinion would be an undesirable member, provided that any applicant who is refused membership may have his (or her) case reviewed by the Board of Governors, upon the recommendation of a minority of the Executive Committee. The Board of Governors may, in its discretion, reverse the action of the Executive Committee. The Board of Governors, on recommendation from the Executive Committee, may elect persons who have rendered service to the League honorary members for life, such elections not to exceed fifty from any state. The members of the League of all classes shall be entitled to the regular publications of the League. Any member may resign his (or her) membership by a written communication to the Managing Director and, if all his (or her) dues and other indebtedness have been paid, his (or her) resignation shall be accepted. Upon the written request of ten or more members that, for cause therein stated, a member of the League be expelled, the Board of Governors shall consider the matter and, if there appears to be sufficient reason, shall advise the accused of the charges against him (or her). He (or she) shall then have the right to present a written defense and to appear in person before a meeting of the Board of Governors, or their authorized representatives, of which meeting he (or she) shall receive notice at least thirty days in advance. Not later than their next meeting thereafter, the Board of Governors shall consider the case and if, in the opinion of two-thirds of the members present, a satisfactory proof of his (or her) undesirability has been established and the accused member has not, in the meantime, tendered his (or her) resignation, he (or she) shall be expelled. The Managing Director shall notify members of the expiration of their memberships not less than thirty days in advance thereof. Members in arrears shall be carried on the League records for ninety days, but if they have not renewed their membership by that date they shall be dropped. The classes of membership and the dues shall be as follows: Member of the Amateur Cinema League: $5 a year. Sustaining member: $50 a year. Life member: $100 in one payment. Founder member: $1,000 in one payment, if paid on or before August 12, 1927. Honorary life member: No dues. All members joining prior to the first annual meeting shall be designated as charter members. No person not a member of the League shall be eligible to hold any office or appointment in the League. This shall not apply to paid employees salaried at less than $2,400 a year or to persons employed by the League on a temporary or commission basis. Article II — Management The business and affairs of the League shall be managed by a board of twenty-three governors, upon which shall be included the President and the Managing Director, all of whom shall be members of the League. The temporary Board of Directors that managed the League during its organization shall be known as the Board of Pioneer Directors, and members of this Board of Pioneer Directors shall retain, during the entire time of their membership in the League, the honorary title of Pioneer Director and shall be entitled to sit, without vote, at any meeting of future Boards of Governors. The Board of Governors shall be made up of one person from each of the twelve Federal Reserve Districts of the United States, one from the Dominion of Canada and eight persons chosen at large from the countries of the world, together with the President and Managing Director, the last two of these serving on the Board of Governors, ex-officio. At the first annual meeting the League shall elect thirteen governors, to be chosen as heretofore provided, and the Board of Pioneer Directors shall elect eight governors at large. These twenty-one governors shall, at their first meeting after their election divide themselves into three classes of seven each, the first class to serve for one, the second class to serve for two and the third class to serve for three years respectively. At each annual meeting thereafter, the League and the Board shall elect seven governors, those chosen territorially to be elected by the League and those chosen at large to be elected by the Board subject to the territorial limitations heretofore provided, who shall serve for terms of three years each. T h ty-three