Amateur movie making (1928)

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118 AMATEUR MOVIE MAKING upon the points of the lower carbons after which the lever is released. The carbon connector is now used to connect the tops of the upper carbons. The connecting cord is plugged into the house line and into the light. This completes the setup. The lamp is now ready for use. Turn on the current. Nothing will happen. Now depress the fibre control handle. The carbons will drop and will spark somewhat. Before allowing the control handle to rise, look away from the carbons for the brilliant, actinic light is very painful to the eyes. Allow the control handle to rise slowly. As it rises the arc will form, flooding the room with a dazzling white light. The lamp will now burn fur approximately four minutes, when it will go out. Should a longer period of light be desired, all that is necessary is that the control handle be depressed again. This will dim the light only during the actual depression of the handle. The light will then continue to burn for four minutes from the time of the last depression of the handle. Thus a continuous light may be maintained. The Cameralite is a valuable and appropriate addition to the amateur cine equipment. {Courtesy Bass Camera Co.) The Traut-Minima "pocket" arc light. • Traut-Minima Arc. — Another amateur arc which is proving very popular is the Traut-Minima pocket arc. The description is not a figure of speech for the lamp can ac