Amateur movie making (1928)

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124 AMATEUR MOVIE MAKING It is so arranged in the leather covered case of insulated wood that the case is opened to serve as reflector and lamp support. It is placed upon the stand with the two halves of the case opened. In transport, the accessories are placed inside the case which is then closed and resembles a neat over-night bag. No extra carrying case is necessary. {Courtesy Halldorson Co.) The Halldorson amateur cinema arc light set up for use. Size— Closed, 5 x 11% x 14i/2 Weight — Complete, 23 pounds Type — Twin arc Voltage— 110-114 A. C. or D. C. Amperes — 10 or 20 (Double range) Candlepower — On high range, about 18,000 Carbons — Upper 3/8 x 12, lower 3/8 x 4, both Photo White Flame, cored Diffuser — Ground glass to replace the standard clear glass spark shield