Amateur movie making (1928)

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380 AMATEUR MOVIE MAKING secure a soft edge effect not unlike that secured by the professional who makes use of chiffon edged four way mattes. This does not mean that a spot should be used to throw a circle of light into the set, although this device is often quite effective. If the lights are all set fairly close to the set and directly toward the center of the angle, this effect will usually be secured without further manipulation. {Courtesy Amateur Movie Makers') A typical amateur company on location. Finally, do not try to use too much light. You will be surprised to learn what beautiful effects may be secured by giving the leading actor a full illumination and letting the rest of the scene go darker. This gives an effect which is entirely apart from the pseudo depth indicated, and has to do with the psychological effect produced by the scene. In real life we seldom have interior illumination of a glaring character. To-night, look about you, watch the members of your family as they move about the room. Notice how great is the difference in the amount of detail which you can see and that which is disclosed by daylight. It is a well known fact that there are hundreds, yes thousands of ladies in society who are ravishingly beautiful by artificial light, but who appear terribly haggard and worn