Amateur movie making (1928)

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Use Bell &Howell Accessories to give your movies professional results The amateur movie accessories offered by Bell & Howell are designed and selected through twenty-one years of experience with professional productions. Through these devices you will make your own movies nearest like those you see in best theatres. Interchangeable Lenses Fourteen lenses, from the ultra fast F1.5 to the 6-inch F 4.5 telephoto, shown here, are interchangeable in Filmo camera. Write for complete descriptions and prices. Combination Rewind and Splicer With this handy accessory you examine film, cut, insert titles and make a splice that is velvet smooth. For 16 mm. film, price complete, $14.00. Character Title Writer A miniature movie stage for filming cartoons, signatures, titles and pictures from magazines. Camera clamps in place back of powerful lamps. Price complete with case, $45.00. Color Screen Attachment For use on Filmo Projector. Provides blue, green, amber and pink disks to give movies color tints. Requires no tools to attach. Price, $6.00. Halldorson Lamps Exactly suited to requirements of movies indoors. Lamp shown is Cinema Mazda with 1000 watt lamp. Mounted for use on chair or table, price $31.00. With tripod, $37.50. Cinema arc lamp with self-containing case, and tripod, $65.00. Write for details. OTHER INDISPENSABLE ACCESSORIES INCLUDE Speed lenses Telephoto lenses Silver screens Bead screens Title board Iris vignetter Color niters Tripods Carrying cases Accessory cases Projection lenses Film storage cases Exposure meters Filmo library B &H rental library Write for complete accessory catalog BELL &. HOWELL CO. 1820 Larchmont Ave. Chicago, 111. Neu> York Hollywood London Established 1907