Amateur movie making (1928)

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PHOTO Near Range Finder "INSTAFOCU" (Instant Focus) Movie Cameras Features of "lnstafocu": W 1. Correct Distance instantly; abolishes time consuming and unre ag i liable tape-measure. 2. Equally Important for Amateur and Professional. 3. For "Close-Ups" assurance of ^jSI i^, Mjm minute sharpness. (Face-Expres >» lltfjr sions never distorted.) ^^MPi 4. The tape fails for "Shots" from platforms and balconies — "Instafocu" never fails. 5. "Instafocu" determines the "Hyper-Focal" Point easily and unerringly. 6. "Instafocu" does away with an Assistant for measuring distances with tape. Rangefinder "Instafocu" is constructed on the coincidence principle, known as the most reliable method of correct range finding. A second or two establishes the coincidence and the accurate distance is read off the dial. The "Instafocu" determines distances within a fraction of the focal depth of any lens — therefore unfailing reliability. Price $17.50 Order through your dealer, or write us direct! E. LEITZ, Inc. 60 EAST TENTH STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. Agents for: California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Montana, Nevada and Arizona, Spindler 8C Sauppe, Offices at San Francisco and Los Angeles, Calif.