Amateur movie making (1928)

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are known the world over as QUALITY LENSES For the various amateur movie cameras we supply the same highgrade lenses in short focal length as we furnish them to the foremost professional cinematographers for their standard cameras. We also make a number of attachments and accessories for use with Filmo, Eyemo, Victor, DeVry and other 16 mm and 35 mm cameras, all designed by our experts to make it possible for the serious amateur to produce movies equal to those of the best professional cinematographers. // you equip yourself with Goerz Lenses and Devices you can do better work. Write for literature and advice to C. P. GOERZ AMERICAN OPTICAL CO. 317 East 34th Street New York WORTH WHILE ACCESSORIES FOR THE MOVIE-MAKER Jos. Schneider & Co. XENON f 2. lens. A new lens in which high speed is obtained without sacrifice of definition and correction. In the new adjustable focusing mount which insures a perfect fitting on every Filmo and Victor camera. $3 7.50. TRIAX TRIPODS open automatically in 3 seconds. Of Duraluminum, U shaped legs give remarkable strength and rigidity. Accept no substitutes. $5 to $7.50. RAMSTEIN GRADUATED SKY FILTERS. The only optically perfect filter of this type on the market. Send for filter circular C. and learn what your pictures lack. TRIAX PANORAM AND TILTING TRIPOD TOP of professional quality. Panorams without jerks, tilts smoothly and locks firmly. $7.50. Write for complete catalogue of photographic goods and arrange with your dealer for free trial of any article. BURLEIGH BROOKS 136 Liberty St., N. Y. U. S. Agent for Schneider lenses, Kawee, Glunz Heidescope and Lindhof cameras, Triax accessories, Ramstein filters and other photo goods.