Amateur Photographer & Cinematographer (1933)

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January 4th, 1933 iHi AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ta 6 CIMEMATOGRAPHER a Persian, Sanskrit, and many other subjects, useful or decorative, but no chair in photography, although without the help of photography in one or other of its applications, the labours of the other professors would be multiplied. Many leading physicists and chemists have re¬ garded the subject of photography as beneath their notice. During the last ten or twelve years, as Mr. Renwick said, in delivering the Chapman Jones memorial lecture, there has been some improvement in the recognition given to photo¬ graphy, but it may stiU be asked how long it wiU be before the subject of photography is properly taught in our colleges, or before a profes¬ sorship in photography or photo¬ chemistry is endowed at one of our universities. Chapman Jones would have made an ideal professor of photography, but in the hey-day of his teaching career a chair in photo¬ graphy would have been deemed an utterly foolish suggestion. Backgrounds. Something was said the other even¬ ing in a professional discussion about the value of empty backgrounds. It was recalled that Mr. Furley Lewis employed backgrounds consisting, not of drapery, but of unlit empty space, and more than one worker stated that the aerial blackness had a quality which was unobtainable with the straightforward, built-up back¬ ground of whatever material. Right of Way. A melancholy story comes to us from a small town in the Home Counties. An exhibition of photo¬ graphs was held at the tram ter¬ minus, and being free and central, was visited by many people, es¬ pecially country folk on market days. One picture therein was en¬ titled “ Right of Way,” and repre¬ sented an open gate. Six months afterwards the author of the work, who had obtaineci his subject a little way out of the town, revisited the spot, and, with sad misgivings as to his own responsibility for the occurrence, found the gate strongly secured, doubly padlocked, and a notice put up, “ Trespassers will be prosecuted.” The A mateur Photographer ” EXP05 URE T ABLE— January EVERY MONTH a brief exposure table will be provided for the assistance of our readers in their practical work. A glance at the current approximate exposures as here given will serve as a reliable guide for most purposes. The subjects will be varied to suit the time of year. The following exposures will serve as a working guide for any fine day during the month, between the hours of II in the morning and i in the afternoon, with the sun shining, but not necessarily on the subject. Stop used, f/8. The exposure should be doubled if the sun is obscured, or if stop f/ii is used. For f/i6 give four times the exposure. For f/5.6 give half. From 9 to ii a.m. or from i to 3 p.m. double these exposures. From 8 to 1 a.m. or from 3 to 4 p.m., treble them. Subject. Ordinary. Medium. Rapid. Extra Rapid. Ultra Rapid. Open seascapes and cloud studies . . 1/15 sec. 1/25 sec. 1/45 sec. 1/60 sec. 1/75 sec. Open landscapes with no very heavy shadows in foreground, shipping studies or seascapes with rocks, beach scenes . . 1/8 1/12 9 9 1/25 99 1/30 99 1/40 99 Ordinary landscapes and landscapes with snow, open river scenery, figure studies in the open, light buildings, wet street scenes 1/3 1/4 99 1/10 99 1/12 99 1/15 99 Landscapes in fog or mist, or with strong foreground, well-lighted street scenes . . 1/2 9 9 1/3 99 1/6 99 1/8 99 1/10 99 Buildings or trees occupying greater portion of picture . . 1 99 3/4 99 1/3 99 1/4 99 1/5 99 Portraits or groups taken out of doors, not too much shut in by buildings . . 3 secs. 2 secs. 1 99 3/4 99 1/2 99 Portraits in well-lighted room, light sur¬ roundings, big window, white reflector . . 8 99 6 99 4 secs. 3 secs. 2 secs. As a further guide we append a list of some of the best known makes of plates and films on the market. They have been divided into groups, which approximately indicate the speeds referred to above. The hypersensitive panchromatic plates and films require less exposure than the ultra-rapid. Ultra Rapid. Agfa, Special Portrait. „ Super-speed Film. „ Ultra Special. Barnet, Press and Super Press. „ XL Super-speed Ortho. „ Soft Panchromatic. „ Studio Fast. „ Ultra Rapid. Criterion, Enelite. Eastman, Par Speed Cut Film. „ S.S. Cut Film. ,, S.S. Pan. Film. Gevaert, Super Sensima. „ Sensima Fast. „ Sensima Ortho. „ Super Chromosa. „ Roll Films and Packs. Haupf, Ultra Rapid. „ Ulcroma. „ Ultra Roll Film and Pack. Herzog, Ortho-Isodux Roll Film. „ „ „ Film Pack. Ilford, Golden Iso-Zenith. Ilford, Iso-Zenith. Paget, Ex. S.R. Gevaert, Chromosa. „ Hypersensitive Pan. Rajar, Super Speed. „ S.R. Plates and Films. Selo, ^lochrorae Roll Film and „ Regular Cut Film. „ Self-screened Pan. Film Pack. Hauff, Analo-Flavin. „ Portrait Film (Ortho ,, Seio Pan. Roll Film. „ Extra Rapid. fast). Wellington, Anti-Screen. „ E.R. Ortho. „ Monarch. „ X Press. „ Roll Film and Pack. „ Press. Ilford, Auto Filter. „ S.S. Ex. Sens. Extra Rapid. „ S.R. Pan. „ Zenith Ex. Sens. Agfa, Chromo. „ Pan. Film. „ S.S. » » Isolar. ,, Rapid Chromatic. Illingworth, Fleet. „ Extra Rapid. „ Film Pack. „ Super Fleet. „ Isolar. Imperial, Non-Filter (new series). „ Super Fleet Ortho. „ Iso Rapid. „ Eclipse Pan. B. „ Pan. Fleet. ,, ,, „ Chromo. „ S.S. Ortho. Imperial, S.S.S. Press Ortho. „ Roll Film. Kodak, Roll Film and Film Pack. „ Eclipse. Barnet, S.R. Pan. Pathe, Roll Film. „ Eclipse Ortho Soft. „ Studio Ortho. Selo, Roll Film. „ Eclipse Soft. Criterion, Iso E.R. Zeiss Ikon, Roll Film and Film „ Eclipse Ortho. ,, Portrait. Pack. „ Eclipse Pan. Soft. „ Roll Film. Rapid. Kodak, Verichrome Film. „ Special E.R. Barnet, S.R. Marion, Record. Ensign, Roll Film. ,, Self-screen Ortho. „ Iso Record. Gevaert, Filtered Ortho. Criterion, Extra Rapid. Hauff, Ortho Anti-Halo. Ilford, Screened Chromatic. „ S.R. „ Commercial Ortho Film. Imperial, Non-FUter. „ S.R. „ S.R. Ortho. Kodak, Cut Film. Lumiere, Extra Rapide. „ Instantan^e. „ Pellicul.aire. Medium. Ilford, Empress. ,, Chromatic. Ordinary. Barnet, Ordinary. Criterion, Ordinary. „ • Ordinary Iso. Gevaert, Ordinary. Ilford, Ordinary. „ Rapid I^ooess Pan. Imperial, Ordinary. „ Pan. Process. 6 2