Amateur Photographer & Cinematographer (1933)

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August 9, 1933 THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ADVERTISEMENTS 3 BUy yOUR CAMERA FROM UT-ON THE EASIEST OF * EASY PAYMENTS * NO LARGE DEPOSIT! ONLY 5% ADDED. NINE MONTHS IN WHICH TO PAY. NO OBJECTIONABLE ENQUIRIES. SPEEDY DESPATCHES AND EVERY ITEM FULLY GUARANTEED. LATEST NEW APPARATUS YOU CAN BUY THESE ITEMS FOR ONLY NINE PAYMENTS OF THE AMOUNT SHOWN. ZEISS BOX TENGOR . . .5/10 IKONTA, 16 ex. on 3£x2i . . .10/7 IKONTA, 8 ex. on . .9/11 BABY IKONTA V.P . ...8/1 LEICA MODEL II . .51/4 LEICA MODEL III . .58/4 SLOW-SPEED CONTAX . .64/2 ROLLEIFLEX, f/4.5 Zeiss Tessar 46/8 ZODEL SPECIAL DE LUXE... .16/1 ETUI CAMERA . .14/9 VOIGTLANDER PROMINENT. .61/3 VOIGTLANDER SUPERB . .45/6 VOIGTLANDER BRILLIANT. . .6/8 FILMO 70 D.A . £11 1 8 FILMO A . £6 8 4 PATHE B. MOTOCAMERA.. 14/10 PATHE LUXE . 44/2 SIEMENS B. CINE CAMERA. 70/ CINE-KODAK EIGHT . 23/1 WESTON 627 EX. METER. . . .36/2 WESTON 617 EX. METER. ... 19/10 THE NEW JUSTOPHOT . 3/11 ENSIGN AUTOKINECAM . 44/2 VICTOR CINE CAMERA, Mod. 5 £7 CINE-KODAK B.B . 31/11 MINI-FEX, Smallest Cam. made 11/3 KODAK SIX-20 . 12/4 EXAKTA TELEPHOTO REFLEX 32/8 VOLLENDA 48, 16 ex. on V.P...9/6 VOLLENDA 52, 8 ex. on 127 R.F. 10/4 SECOND-HAND BARGAINS THESE GUARANTEED OFFERS CAN BE BOUGHT ON THE SAME SYSTEM IN 9 PAYMENTS OF THE AMOUNT STATED. 1 — 3£ x 2£ N. & G. Folding Reflex, rising front, Ross Xpres f/2.9 lens, focal-plane shutter, l/10th to l/8Q0th sec., tan case, F.P. adapter. Cost £56 10s . 87/6 2 — 3£ x 2£ Folding lea Reflex, horizontal model, f/3.5 Triotar lens, focal-plane shutter, l/25th to 1/1, 000th sec., tan case, 3 D. slides, F.P. adapter. Cost £40 . 29/5 3 — 3£ x 2£ Minimum Palmos Focal-plane, Zeiss Tessar f/4.5 anastigmat lens, shutter speeded l/15th to l/750th sec., black case, 3 D. slides, F.P. adapter. Cost £35.. 29/5 4 — 7x5 and £-pl. Deckrullo Focal-plane, Zeiss Tessar f/4.5 anastigmat lens, shutter speeded i to 1/2, 000th sec., black case. Mackenzie-Wishart adapter, 2 envelopes. Cost £30 10s . 24/6 5 — 9x12 cm. Miroflex Folding Reflex, Tessar f/2.7 lens, focal-plane shutter, speeded l/3rd to 1/2, 000th sec., tan case, 9 slides, F.P. adapter. Cost £60 . 75/10 6 — 10 x 15 cm. Linhof Universal Camera, triple exten¬ sion, rising and cross front, Zeiss Tessar f/4.6 lens, 18-cm. focus. Compound shutter, 1 to l/300th sec., 3 single slides. Cost £40 . 36/9 7 — 3£x2£ Sinclair Una Folding, double extension, rising front, revolving back, swing front, Ross combina¬ tion lens f/5.5, N.8. Perfect shutter, £ to l/100th sec., tan case, 3 D. slides, roll-holder. Cost £35 . 52/6 8 — i-pl. Folding Plate Sibyl, Ross Xpres f/4.5 lens, shutter speeds £ to l/100th sec., tan case, 6 slides, F.P. adapter. Cost £28 . 41/8 9 — 3£ x 2£ Sibyl Vitesse Folding Plate V.127, rising and cross front, Ross Xpres f/3.5 anastigmat lens, N. & G. shutter, speeded 2 to l/150th sec., tan case, 3 D. slides. Cost £30 . 52/6 10 — i-pl. Dallmeyer Speed Camera, Pentac f/2.9 lens, focal-plane shutter, l/8th to 1/1, 000th sec., tan case, 6 single slides, F.P. adapter. Cost £40 . 52/6 11 — 3£x2£ Folding Plate, single extension, f/4.5 Nagel lens, Ibsor shutter, 1 to l/250th sec., 2 slides. Cost £4 15s . 7/2 12 — 9 x 12 cm. Tropical Deckrullo Focal-plane, Zeiss Tessar f/4.5 anastigmat lens, shutter speeds £ to 1/2, 000th sec., also Tele-Negative attachment, black case, F.P. adapter, Mackenzie-Wishart slide, 12 envelopes. Cost £56 39/3 13 — i-pl. Sanderson Hand and Stand, all movements, Zeiss Protar f/6.3 anastigmat lens, Compur shutter, 1 to l/250th sec., black grained case, 3 D. slides. Cost 27/ 14 — i-pl. T.-P. Imperial Field Camera, double exten¬ sion, roller-blind shutter, T.-P. f/8 lens, changing-box, tripod, case. Cost £18 . 5/7 J 15 — Pathe 9i-mm. Projector, double claw, regular model, for 110 volts. Cost £6 15s . 11/2 10 — Whole-plate Square Bellows Field Camera, double extension, rising and cross front, f/11 R.R. lens, R.D. shutter, tripod, black case, 3 D. slides. Cost £18 10s... 12/4 17 — Sibyl Excelsior Roll Film Folding Camera, 4£ x 2£, rising and cross front, Ross Xpres f/4.5 anastigmat lens, shutter speeds 2 to l/150th sec. Cost £32 . 29/5 READ WHAT OTHER SATIS¬ FIED CUSTOMERS THINK Salford, May 6th. The Pathescope Motocamera arrived to-day, and I have decided to keep it. It is in excellent condition, and I am very pleased with the exchange. H. S. H. Kingsway, Didshury, Manchester, . , 25/4/33. I herewith beg to acknowledge safe receipt of \-plate Ensign Camera. I have delayed wri'ing to you in order that I could givi it a fair trial. I have now done this with perfect results, as far as the camera is con¬ cerned. I must say that I am highly de¬ lighted with my “ second-hand bargain ” purchased from you, and considering the price I paid for it, I maintain that I have obtained a REAL BARGAIN . This is my first deal with you, but I can assure you that it will not be my last. Assuring you that you have gained yet another highly satisfied customer, and thanking you for your prompt attention. H. J. Newport, Essex, 10th May, 1933. I beg to acknowledge the safe receipt of a new // 5.6 V.P.K. Special in response to my recent order. The camera is giving entire satis¬ faction, and I thank you for the man¬ ner in which you have carried out this deal, especially that in which you have met my requirements in the matter of the exchange allowance on my old V.P.K. I came to you through the recom¬ mendation of a friend. Now I know why your clients pass on the good news of your service. D. F.W . Derby. The “ Special Ruby ” Reflex arrived quite safely, for which I thank you. I have now had an opportunity of trying the camera, and find it very good and have therefore decided to keep it. I consider it a really genuine bar¬ gain, the lens alone seems worth the price I paid for the outfit, and I thank you for the trouble you took in endeavouring to fulfil my requirements. T. R. C. THE SAME GOOD SERVICE THAT INSPIRED THESE LETTERS IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL— BE WISE AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. ANY APPARATUS SENT C.O.D. BY POST IF DESIRED . GENEROUS High allowances on your present EXCHANGES camera ^ Part exchange for any instrument. 5 DAYS’ FREE This concession is made to postADDDnVAf buyers of used goods on payment of ArrKUVAL full cash deposit. FREE Send 2d. stamp now and name the list LISTS ^ou reclu^re There’s one each for “Still,” Cine, Bargain Apparatus and Sundries. WALLACE HEATON LTD 119, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, W.l And at 47, BERKELEY STREET, W.l Appointed an Associate Institute o! Amateur ^ Cinematographers, Ltd. Phones : MAYFAIR 0924-5-6-7 As advertisements on these covers go to press a fortnight in advance some of these second-hand items may be sold already, but similar outfits are usually available. PLEASE MENTION “ THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER" WHEN CORRESPONDING WITH ADVERTISERS.