Amateur Photographer & Cinematographer (1933)

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August 16, 1933 THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ADVERTISEMENTS 1 THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL A SUPREME COMBINATION A T.-P. REFLEX with the New Dallmeyer f/1.9 SUPER SIX ANASTIGMAT LENS, 3 2! ONLY CATALOGUE Post Free ANYWHERE T.-P. REFLEX CAMERAS are always In the forefront with latest equipment a_t_s 2-2. ALTRINCHAM ENGLAND GAMAGES AMAZING BARGAINS IN NEW AND USED CAMERAS AND SHOP-SOILED APPARATUS— 2i x 3J Roll Film, f/3.9 Laack anastigmat, Vario shutter. Good condition. List £6 6s . £3 15 0 Agfa Speedex, 2| x 3£, f/8.8 anastigmat, 3-speed shutter . £1 7 6 2£ x 3J lhagee Roll Film and Plate, f/4.5 anastigmat, Zenith shutter. List £6 15s. As new . £5 10 0 Zeiss Ikon Baby Box, f/6.3 Novar. Perfect condition . £1 10 0 Nagel Vollenda V.P. Roll Film, latest model f/4.5 Radionar in Compur, self-erecting front, complete in leather case. As new. Cost £8 5s. £6 17 6 Ensign 2£x3£ Tropical Carbine, f/6.3 Aldis Uno. List £4 5s. As brand new . £2 17 6 N. & G. Sibyl, 3£ x 2}, f/6.3 Zeiss Tessar, 12 slides, F.P.A., case. . . . £5 10 0 i-pl. T.-P. Ruby de Luxe Reflex, f/3.5 Cooke Series XI, 3 double slides, F.P. adapter, luxe leather case. Outfit cost £30. Perfect . £15 15 0 Pathe Motor. List 60/-. As new . £1 17 6 Cine-Kodak, latest model BB Junior, f/1.9. List£i8i8s. As new £14 14 0 Motor-driven Kodatoy 16-mm. Projector. List £5 17s. 6d. Brand new £3 10 0 Coronet 9.5-mm. Projector. As new . £1 15 0 V.N. Semi-automatic Vertical Enlarger, 3jx 2} to 12x10, f/4.5 Dallmeyer. Complete with 70-watt lamp. List £8 15s. As new . £6 10 0 Ajax 2i x 31 Folding Roll Film Cameras, f/6.3 Taylor-Hobson, 3-speed shutter, self-erecting. List £2 2s. New . £1 7 6 2£x3£ Soho Roll Film, List £1 5s . 15s. 6d. V.P. Kodak Model B. As new . 17s. 6d. Ross Naval Telescope, i6x magnification . £1 10 0 2£x3£ Plate, f/8 Beck, 3-speed shutter . 8s. 6d. Unprecedented Offer. “BALDA” Cameras with PRIMA F/4.5 Anastigmat Lens at Nearly Half-Price 2Jx3I Roll Film. Self-erecting. Vario shutter, l/25th, l/50th, l/100th sec., T. and B. Hinged back, film flattening device. Re¬ versible, brilliant, and direct-vision view-flnders. Front lens focussing. Two tripod bushes. 1 Beautifully made throughout. The world’s lowest price I for a new camera | with f/4.5 lens. LIST PRICE 4 GNS. MISCELLANEOUS BARGAINS (continued). Coronet 2ix3i Folding Roll Film, f/7.7 Taylor-Hobson, 3-speed shutter. List 33/-. New . 17a. 6d. Ross Stepnada 7x30 Prism Binoculars. List £13 15s. Absolutely as new £10 10 0 Zeisa Dekaris 10x60 Prism Binoculars., List £23 8s. As new.. £18 10 0 Kodascope Model C 16-mm. Projector. List £18 18s. As new.. £14 14 0 2ix3I Contessa Plate, f/6.8 in Derval, F.P. adapter . £1 1 0 Pathe 9.5-mm. Cine Camera, latest. List £6 6s. As new . £5 0 0 V.P, Kodak, f/7.9 anastigmat. As new . £1 7 6 -X Gamages definitely make the highest allowance for old apparatus in part exchange for new. JL Any camera may be purchased through our own self-financed hire-purchase system. JL Used cameras and apparatus sent on five days' A approval against Cash or C.O.D. GAMAGES, HOLBORN, LONDON, E.C.l Telephone : Holborn 8484 PLEASE MENTION “ THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ” WHEN CORRESPONDING WITH ADVERTISERS. 1