Amateur Photographer & Cinematographer (1933)

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IV THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ADVERTISEMENTS August 16, 1933 The Most Advanced Roll-film Camera The Voigtlander Prominent It would be difficult to imagine a camera more advanced in design, more beautifully made, or more accurate in results than this remarkable new Voigtlander model. Focussing is performed by a large milled wheel connected with an accurate range-finder, automatically setting the lens to the correct distance before or after opening the camera. A reliable built-in exposure meter is fitted and the Prominent is self-opening and self-closing. For 8 exposures 3£x2£ in. or I6_half-size, the optical view-finder having an adjustable mask. With Heliar f/4.5 lens and delayed-action Com 0 C o' n C I I I LC pur shutter, including first-quality leather case. X -J if I I o A neat and novel design in a small camera — the Taking 16 exposures 3 x4 cm. on an 8-ex. V.P. film, the Perkeo is a splendid example of the new trend in small camera design. You can focus on a large milled wheel either before or after pressing the opening catch, and a single movement closes the camera at any focussing distance. Optical view-finder and sensible sling handle. With SKOPAR F/4.5 LENS and EMBEZET SHUTTER £7:15:0 With SKOPAR F/3.5 LENS and COMPUR SHUTTER £10:17:6 With HELIAR F/3.5 LENS and COMPUR SHUTTER £12:15:0 ytfvimnd** First in 1756: First To-day. Th« 1933 Voigtlander Catalogue will be ready very shortly. May we send you a copy ? ★ PEELING & VAN NECK, LIMITED 4/6, HOLBORN CIRCUS, LONDON, E.C.1 PERKEO MODERN ^ PHOTOGRAPHY WITH MODERN MINIATURE CAMERAS By WILLIAM ALEXANDER. (Crown 8vo, Cloth, Illustrated.) \ This invaluable work is the outcome of years of investi¬ gation, intensive study and practice with all kinds of miniature cameras. It reveals secrets about successful miniature photography never before available. There are no rehashed or out-of-date theories, every word is new and practical. There are about 60 illustrations on art paper which demonstrate the many ways in which miniature cameras can be used with great success. CONTENTS : Introduction : Vogue or Miniature Cameras, Advantages. Typical Models : Accessories and their Importance. Chemical, Optical and Relevant Mat¬ ters. Part I. Chemical, Optical and Relevant Mat¬ ters. Part II. General Record, Competition and Vacance Work. Pictorial Photography . Portraiture. Rapid Action Photography. Journalist Freelance and Commercial Work. Enlarging and Slide Making. By-paths in Miniature Photography. Appendix “ A.” Exposure Problems. Appendix ** B.” Cold Weather Troubles Index. The miniature camera is here to stay! The Author shows by pen and picture the many ways in which the small camera can be used successfully and -with profit. Every photographer should read Mr. Alexander's book , which is not only interesting but is a revelation of the advance of modern photography. Order from your dealer or bookseller, or from the Publishers : THE FOUNTAIN PRESS, 19, CURSITOR ST., LONDON, E.C.4 •pi The Fountain Press are publishers and suppliers of all kinds of photographic books. Readers of this journal are Invited to apply for an interesting catalogue of over 200 titles ( classified according to subject). SUBSCRIPTIONS: The Amateur Photographer and Cinematographer is published by IlifTe <fe Sons Ltd., of Dorset House, Stamford Street, London. S.E.l, every Wednesday morning in town and country, and may be obtained of all newsagents and bookstalls, or delivered first post on Wednesday at the following rates : British Isles and Canada. s. d. Other Countries Abroad. s. d. Twelve Months .. .. . . 17 4 Twelve Months .. .. .. 19 6 Six Months . . . . . . 8 8 Six Months . . . . . . . . 9 9 Three Months . . . . . . 4 4 Three Months . . . . . . 4 11 Single Copy . . . . . . 4 Single Copy . . . . . . . . 4i The Editorial, Advertising and Publishing Offices are at Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, S.E.l, England. Telegrams: Amaphot, Watloo, London. Telephone: Hop 3333 (50 lines). Northern Offices — 260, Deansgate, Manchester, 3. Telegrams : IlifTe, Manchester. Telephone : Blackfriar* 4412 (4 lines). Midland Offices — Guildhall Buildings, Navigation Street, Birmingham, 2. Telegrams : Autopress, Birmingham. Telephone: Midland 2970 (3 lines). 19, Hertford Street, Coventry. Telegrams: Cyclist, Coventry. Telephone: 5210. Scottish Offices — 26b, Renfield Street, Glasgow, C.2. Telegrams : IlifTe, Glasgow. Telephone : Central 4857. Entered as second-class matter at New York (N.Y.) Post Office. Colonial and Foreign Aoents. — United States : The International News Co., New York. France : W. H. Smith and Son, 284, Rue Rivoli, Paris ; Hachette et Cie, Rue Reaumur, Paris. Belgium : W. H. Smith and Son, 78, March6 aux Herbes, Brussels. Australia : Gordon and Gotch, Ltd., Melbourne (Victoria), Sydney (N.S.W.), Brisbane (Queensland), Adelaide (S.A.), Perth (W.A.), and Launceston (Tasmania). New Zealand : Gordon and Gotch, Ltd., Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch and Dunedin. India: A. H. Wheeler and Co., Bombay, Allahabad and Calcutta. Canada : Gordon and Gotch, Ltd., Toronto : Imperial News Co., Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Victoria. South Africa : Central News Agency, Ltd. 4 PLEASE MENTION " THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ” WHEN CORRESPONDING WITH ADVERTISERS.