Amateur Photographer & Cinematographer (1933)

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THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ADVERTISEMENTS August 16, 1933 THE “DALLAN” FILM PACK TANK |fp|i^sk EACH TANK mmPi holds 12 mm j H A plates, HM FILM PACKS CUT FILMS. No. 199. PRICES : 3*x2i in. 4£x 3\ in. 5 X4 in. 6£x 4| in. 24/ each. 4JX 6 cm. 21/ each. 25/ 45x 107 mm. 21/ „ 27/ 6x13 cm. 27/ „ 30/ ., 9x12 cm. 27/ .. DAVID ALLAN Whitfield Works, Mansfield St., London, E.2 ZEISS “DELTURIS” .KSgMffi Perfectly New. List Price £12:12:0. Fully Guaranteed. In case complete, fg .0 ,a PER PAIR *>0 .O .U An Exceptional Offer which can never be repeated. BROADHURST, CLARKSON & CO., |36^rtnEx°in PRACTOS EXPOSURE METER NEW MODELS : View-finder picture in Sky-Blue Filter. H. & D. speeds. For Stills and Cine. Model II, in leather pouch . 25/ Model I, simplified, in leather pouch .... 20/ GARNER & JONES, LTD. Polebrook House, Golden Sq., London, W.l Here’s Quality at the Right Price ! Your Film Developed and 1 Velox glazed print made from each negative : V.P. and 3£ x 24, 8 exposures, 1/2, No. 116 (2$ x 41) 1/6, 41x31 1/3, 51x31 1/8. 1/6 dozen, 1/ 1 dozen, Superior Postcard Enlargements. 4/ dozen. 2/9 k dozen, 81x61 ; 2/6 dozen, 1/6 1 dozen, 61 x 4J enlargements, 2/ 20 x 10, 15 x 12 1/9, 12 x 10 1/3, 10 x 8 1/-. 84 x 61 9d., 61 x 4J 0d. PROMPT DISPATCH OF ALL ORDERS. Sizes up to 12 x 10 glazed, unless otherwise ordered. All above post paid except glass negatives, when 3d. extra must be added. Every satisfaction guaranteed. Write for latest lists. OSBORNE & CAMPION, 122, East Park Road. LEICESTER. MATERIALS K K K K Trade. K ALTON, Bristol, 150, Victoria St. A new depot for South-Western England. Callers welcomed. K ALTON, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 121, Scotswood Rd. Prices less postage to callers. K ALTON, Manchester, 99, London Rd. Hours, 9 to 7 ; Wednesday, 1 ; please call. K ALTON, London, 61, Farringdon Rd., E.C.l. Send for price list. ALTON, Birmingham, 7, Albany Rd., Harborne. Orders dispatched per return. ALTON, Leeds, 38, Bridge End. Hours, 9 to 7 ; Wednesday, 1 ; please call. ALTON, Glasgow, 409 J, Argyle St. Prices less postage to callers. R ALTON Chloro-Bromide Double-weight, white and cream, velvet and matt, i-pl. 3/6 72 sheets, 1/1-pl. 3/6 36 sheets; 10x8 5/-, 12x10 7/3, 3/ dozen. K ALTON “ Kaltona ” Bromide, glossy, velvet matt, normal, vigorous, extra vigorous, single weight and doubleweight : 20x16 6/3 dozen 15x12 4/3; 12x10 7/3 36 sheets, 10x8 5/-I whole-plate 3/3, 9/6 gross : i-pl. 2/-, 5/9 gross': i-pl. 3/6, 41x2i 3/6, 3ix2i 2/6 gross, 12 gross 21/6. K ALTON Gaslight, single-weight and double¬ weight, normal, vigorous ; same prices as Bromide advertisement above, except i-pl., 6/6 gross. K ALTON “ Kaltona ” Cream Smooth and Rough, double-weight vigorous, 1/1-pl. 3/6 36 sheets.!; 10x8 5/-; 12x10 7/3, 3/dozen. ALTON Gaslight Paper, “ Xlnt ” 3i x 21iglossy, 2/ gross, 12-gross lots 20/-. K ALTON Gaslight Paper, lfx2i, 1/6 gross; 3ix2i, 1/6 72 sheets. 2/6 gross ; 4ix2| and i-pl., 2/ 72 sheets, 3/6 gross ; i-pl., 2/ 36 sheets, 3/6 72, 6/6 gross ; whole-plate, 1/9 dozen,v3/6 36, 9/6 gross. K ALTON Postcards, bromide and gaslight, first quality, all surfaces : Vigorous, 3/ 100. 1/9 50. K ALTON Self-toning Postcards, glossy, matt and matt cream, 4/ 100, 32/6 1,000. K ALTON Plates : i-pl., 4 dozen 12/ ; Postcard, 4 dozen 8/9, backed 9/9 ; i-pl., 3 dozen 5/-, backed 5/9; 3ix2i, 4 dozen 5/-, backed 5/9; Lantern Plates, 3 dozen 5/-. K ALTON Roll Films, first quality, 8 exposures : lix2i, 9/ dozen ; 3ix2i, 10/-; 2iX4i. 12/-; 6 exposures: 3ix4i, 18/-; 5Jx3i, 21/-. K ALTON Film Packs, H. & D. 350, 3ix2i, 3 packs 5/3 ; i-pl., 3 packs 8/6. K ALTON Flat Films, H. & D. 600, i-pl., 3 dozen 5/-, 16/6 gross ; Postcard, 4 dozen 8/9 ; i-pl., 12/-, 33/ gross ; 1/1-pl., 2 dozen 11/-. ALTON Chemicals, bottled : Amidol, 1/2 oz. ; Metol, 1/4 ; Hydrokinone, lOd. ; Pyro, 1/-. [0009 ATTWOOD, Hadleigh, Essex. — Reliable Materials, post paid ; satisfaction guaranteed ; catalogue free. ATTWOOD Flat Films, superfine quality ; 350 and 600 H. & D. ; Postcards, 2/ dozen, 6 dozen 10/ ; i-pl., 2/3 dozen, 6 dozen 12/-. ATTWOOD Plates, superfine quality ; 300 and 600 H. & D. ; i-pl. 1/9 dozen, 6 dozen 8/ ; Postcards, 2/ dozen, 6 dozen 11/ ; i-pl., 2/9 dozen, 5 dozen 12/-. ATTWOOD Acme Postcards, Bromide and Gaslight, normal and contrasty, 50 1/6, 100 2/9, 500 11/-, 1,000 19/ ; Commercial Postcards, 1/9 100, 14/per 1,000. ATTWOOD Bromide Paper, glossy, satin, matt, normal and vigorous : 6 x 4i, 3/6 per gross ; i-pl., 4/ per gross ; whole-plate, 7/6 per gross. — Attwood, Hadleigh, Essex. [0025 ALLENS Super Gaslight (the quality paper), for D. & P. Finishers, 3ix2i 1/8, 4ix2f 2/6 per gross (12 gross or above), sample gross 2/-. — Below. ALLENS Super Plates, 4ix3i 1/6 doz. (6-doz. lots), 6ix4| 2/6 doz., 27/6 gross. — Below. ALLENS Super Chemicals : Amidol 2/9, Metol 3/6, Hydrokinone 1/9, Pyro 2/9 per i-lb. — Below. ALLENS D. and P. Order Pads, 7/6 dozen, special De Luxe Wallets, 1/6 100 (60/ orders carriage paid) ; send for Finishers’ List. — Allens, 168, Oldham Rd., Manchester, 4. [0092 K; THIRD EDITION ▼ MOTION PICTURES with the Baby Cine A Handbook on 9.5-mm. Cinematography By HAROLD B. ABBOTT This handbook, specially written foi amateur cinematographers, includes every aspect of the fascinating hobby of making motion pictures. In the preparation of this third edition a thorough revision has been carried out. Much additional information has been included, and all important new apparatus has been brought under review. The following Table of Contents indicates the wide range of the book and the completeness with which the subject is covered. THE PRINCIPLES OF CINEMATO¬ GRAPHY BABY CINE "TAKING" APPARATUS BABY CINE PROJECTING APPARATUS USING THE CAMERA THE SUBJECT OF THE PICTURE PROCESSING AND FINISHING BABY CINE FILMS NEGATIVE-POSITIVE EDITING MAKING TITLES TRICKS AND EFFECTS FAULTS IN “TAKING" PROJECTION— THE SCREEN PROJECTION— THE HOME CINEMA FAULTS IN PROJECTING LIBRARY FILMS AND FILM LIBRA¬ RIES TAKING THE BABY CINf CAMERA ABROAD 144 pp., size 7l*X4l', bound in stout paper cover printed in colours Price 2/6 net; by post 2/8 From all booksellers, or direct from the Publishers : ILIFFE & SONS LTD. Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, S.E.1 38 USE OUR DEPOSIT SYSTEM AND AVOID :ALL2RISK.