Amateur Photographer & Cinematographer (1933)

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August 16, 1933 THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ADVERTISEMENTS Gieconds ALLENS Super Photographic Products SUPER PLATES. Doz. 3 do z. 3*x2* ..1/3 .. 3/6 4*x3i ..1/9 .. 5/ 6* x 3* . . 2/6 . . 6/9 6$ x 4J ..3/ .. 8/6 SUPER GASLIGHT PAPEE. i gross Gross 2$ x 1} .. 1/ .. 1/6 3*x21 .. 1/6 .. 2/6 4*x2f .. 1/10 .. 3/6 4*x3* .. 2/2 .. 3/6 450 and 600 H. and D. Other sizes pro rata. All grades. SUPER POSTCARDS (Bromide or Gaslight), 50 1/6, 100 2/6. Special terms to Commercial Photographers and D. <t P. Finishers. Write or call for Finishers' List. CAMERA EXCHANGE SERVICE-^. YOUR CHANCE TO PURCHASE A 4 Two-thirds (approximately) allowed as part payment on modem cameras, when purchasing new cameras. (Send for free booklet explaining.) Cameras as part payment must be subject to our approval. Write, stating exactly what yon have as part payment, the price paid and date purchased, with particulars also of new apparatus required. ROLLEIFLEX CONTAX LEICA PROMINENT BRILLIANT ETUI.BALDAX CINE-KODAK SUPERB, Etc. THE ‘METROPHOT’ EXPOSUFlfMETER Cheapest Photo-Electric Cell Meter i>C « C ■ A on the market. No batteries re J . w quired. For still or cine cameras. Complete with case. YOUR NEAREST PILLAR BOX keeps you in touch with owr mJ Super Developing Service J" any size film developed 6d. each, and DIRECT POSTCARDwrEAC H ENLARGEMENTS at — — Glossy or Semi-Matt. Return postage paid. Special envelopes free. Send P.O. and next film for finishing under this Service. 168, OLDHAM RD. MANCHESTER, 4 Phone : Cent. 9480. Open to 8 p.m., Saturdays 9 p.m. ALLENS *vC® ALL-BRITISH PHOTO PLATES & PAPER GASLIGHT PAPERS V.P. ... 3ix2i.. 2ix4j. . i-plate . 5x4. .. . Postcard . . . 1/9 per gross ...2/9 ...3/7 .-•4 /...5/6 ...5/4 BROMIDE PAPERS /-plate . 7/9 per gross 8 x6 . 12/ 8Jx6i . 13/11 10x8 . 20/ 12x 10 . 30/ 15x12 . 45/ GLOSSY, SILKY OR MATTE 3 Grades VIGOROUS, ORDINARY OR SOFT POSTCARDS, GASLIGHT OR BROMIDE 22/ per 1,000. 11/ per 500. 2/9 per 100. Singles or strips. PLATES Special Rapid 300 H.D. Iso Press 600 H.D. 3jx2i . 1/3 per pkt. I Postcard ... .2/6 per pkt. 1-plate . 1/9 „ I 1-plate . 3/6 „ „ MARTIN Photographic Chemist, SOUTHAMPTON SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR QUANTITIES. ENLARGEMENTS Trade. I/O DOZEN, lOd. 6, 6d. 3, 3d. 1.— Full-size / O Postcards from small film or plate, re¬ touching and vignettes included ; postage extra. — Atkinson Speight, 38, Gainsborough Avenue, Oldham. [0017 POSTCARD Enlargements, 1/3 dozen, 6 for 9d. ; assorted 2d. each. — Below. FREE for every 7/6 spent with us one 81x61 mounted Enlargement from your negative ; no disappointments ; same-day service ; 81x61 10d., 10x8 1/1, 12x10 1/4, 15X12 2/1; mounted A.B. or P.S., 81x61 1/6, 10x8 2/-, 12x10 3/-; excellent results certain ; write for free lists ; trade specially catered for. — -The Defoe Photo¬ graphic Service, 11, Roscoe St., London, E.C.l. Clerkenwell 1871. [0056 ENLARGEMENTS of Quality, Postcard Printing, etc., price list free. — Slater, Sawtry, Peter¬ borough. [4423 MINIATURE Camera Specialist. — 1-pl. Enlarge¬ ments, 2d. ; send for list. — George Childe, Photo-Chemist , 228, Roundhay Rd., Leeds. [5840 PRINTING, COPYING, DEVELOPING Trade. ALL Developing and Printing, same-day service ; Roll Films and one print each to 3Jx21 1/ ; 41x31 1/3, 51x31 1/8 ; write for lists ; see also “ Enlargements.” — The Defoe Photographic Service, 11, Roscoe St., London, E.C.l. Cierkenwell 1871. [0057 r'T / PER GROSS, 40/ per 1,000, including title, 4 / best Photographic Postcards on Kodak Bromide ; if enlarged from snapshot negative 36 for 3/ ; titling 6d. extra. — Shawyer, Swindon. [0064 FILMS Developed and Printed, 34 x 24 10d., post free ; Prints Id. ; Postcards 2d. — Downing, 6, Brasenose Rd., Bootle, Liverpool. [7360 CONNOISSEURS. — Spools developed singly, de luxe enlargements from mediocre negatives ; ask prices ; money-back guarantee. — Cox, 17, High St., Roehampton. [7563 DEVELOPING and Printing, 31x21 Roll Films, 8 exposures 8d. ; also Postcard Enlargements, 3 for 6d., postage extra. — W. Shepard, 682, Carlton Rd., Nottingham. [7598 FILMS, any size, Developed, Printed and 61x41 Enlargement 1/ (enclose stamp) ; specimen Enlargement four stamps and negative. — Appledore, 66, Eveline Rd., Mitcham, Surrey. [7523 REPAIRERS Trade. REPAIRS to Cameras, focal-plane and other shutters, etc., by skilful workmen. — W. A. Furse (many years with C. P. Goerz Optical Works), 27, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. [0006. BOWEN’S CAMERA REPAIR SERVICE, LTD., undertake repairs to all makes of cameras, shutters, etc., estimate submitted ; instruments insured whilst on premises ; Dealers’ and Press inquiries invited. — 114/115, Holborn, E.C.l (near Gamages). Holborn 3126. [0062 RETOUCHING Trade. RETOUCHING. — First-class work promptly exe¬ cuted. — Miss Lamb, 3, Orchard St., Canterbury. [5386 TUITION. BOOKS, ete. Trade. PRESS Photography, new 1933 courses ready ; sell your pictures and make your hobby a paying proposition ; particulars free.— World’s Photographic Academy, 5, Shannon Terrace, Chadwell Heath, Essex. [7629 BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL Trade. S.W. LONDON, £375 all at. Photographic Shop and Studio, with good living accommodation, genuine business established 11 years, at present run by 2 ladies ; nett profits £200-£250, books kept ; wonderful scope for energetic man ; good clean stock and up-to-date equipment.— Houghtons, F.A.I., 3, Putney Hill, S.W.15. Tele., Putney 5361. [7646 SNAPSHOTS FINISHED BY EXPERTS Standard Size Rolls Developed, 6<L each. Glazed Velox Prints : V.P. size, ltd. each ; 31 x 21, 2d. each : 4£x2$ and 1-plate, 2td. each; Postcards, 3-id. each. Postcard Enlargements, 5d. singles, 3 for 1/-, 6 for 1/6. 6x4 Big Prints, 6tL singles, 3 for 1/4, 6 for 2/6. 8x6 Super Prints, 9d. singles, 3 for 2/-, 6 for 3/6. Coloured Postcard Enlargements, in special folders, 1/3. CASH WITH ORDERS. EXPENSES REFUNDED. WRITE LIST. SPEEDY D. & P. LTD. ““ggg&gftg. The CAMERA EXCHANGE of the MIDLANDS BIRMINGHAM STOCKISTS of all Modern Makes of STILL and CINE CAMERAS. Bring us your holiday films for Developing and Printing. Highest quality work guaranteed. Solid leather cases to fit all cameras at half usual prices. See our windows. Let us take your old camera in part exchange for a new one. Best allowances made by : — GALLOWAYS Photographic Chemists VICTORIA SQUARE, BIRMINGHAM (Opposite QJ>.0.) OVER 100,000 > SATISFIED CUSTOMERS.' Selection, of materials in the UradLe / Over 100,000 satisfied cus¬ tomers have been supplied by us. Our BLUE LABEL Papers, Postcards, Plates and Chemicals are noted throughout the world. QUALITY with ECONOMY! SAMPLES FREE ! CITY PHOTO WORKS H9. Eastboume>Rocd.Sou,thboit EST. ‘Z'Z'/ears WORLD THE PREMIER POULTRY JOURNAL Poultry keepers everywhere will find this journal uncommonly interesting and helpful. Specimen copy of recent issue free on request from The Publisher ( A. P.), Dorset House, Stamford St., London, S.E.1 EVERY FRIDAY 2d. if ^ _ BlRDWORlh The weekly journal for all who keep Canaries, British Hybrids or Foreign Pet Birds. EVERY FRIDAY 2d. Specimen copy of recent Issue free on request from The Publisher (A.P.), Dorset House, Stamford St., London, S.E.l “THE AUTOCAR” The World’s Leading Automobile Journal. Every Friday. 4d. YOU CAN DEAL IN PERFECT SAFETY THROUGH OUR DEPOSIT SYSTEM. 39