Amateur Photographer & Cinematographer (1933)

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August 23rd, 1933 The AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER o 6 CINEMATOGRAPHER a NEWS, NOTES AND MATTERS OF IN¬ TEREST FOR ALL CINEMATOGRAPHERS USING AMATEUR CINfi APPARATUS. mateur Cinematography Clubs Preparing for Autumn By M. A. LOVELL-BURGESS. A few notes on the activities of cine societies recently, and on prospective arrangements for the approaching Autumn. AMATEUR cinematographers who hold their inaugural meeting in July, and follow it up with another in August, deserve to succeed. These cine optimists, who have found their confidence justified even in a heat wave, have just formed an amateur film club in Eastbourne. Mr. Graham Robinson was in the chair at the second meeting and Miss Vivienne Whitaker, principal of the Fay Compton School, came to give a talk on the subject of film-making. Mr. Wintersgill showed an interest¬ ing film made by the Streatham Amateur Film Club. The question was raised whether the proposed society should be run for financial profit or merely for the fun of making films. The meeting unanimously decided on the latter. Among those present were Mr. Cour¬ tenay, a keen amateur player, Dr. Bodkin Adama, whose cine pictures have been shown in Eastbourne from time to time on behalf of charity, Captain and Mrs. Buzzard, Miss Caffyn, a well-known teacher of danc¬ ing, and Mrs. McClintock. Miss Whitaker said that to start the society seventy or more members would be required, and as many of those who would be interested were away on holiday it was decided to adjourn the meeting until the end of September or the beginning of October. Meanwhile the executive members are busy getting together at least seventy people, many of whom are already known to be definitely inter¬ ested in film-work. It was only a very little while ago that Eastbourne’s Member of Par¬ liament, Mr. J. Slater, bought cine equipment to the value of ^200. The Society will hold its meetings at the Lodge, Blackwater Road, and the proposed subscription is a guinea. Cine Club Wanted. That the thoughts of amateur cinematographers do turn to studios as well as the great outdoors in August is further proved by a letter I received through my publishers, Messrs. Samp¬ son Low, this morning. “ I wish,” writes Mr. A. R. Lillie, " to join a film society which does studio production work. Can you recommend a good one which would be convenient to me ? I should be very grateful.” Perhaps some " A.P.” secretary or reader can give the desired information. Mr. Lillie’s address is, North Lodge, The Grange, Beaconsfield, Bucks. Stories for September. Secretaries and producers console themselves in August for the temporary absence of members by planning out the autumn studio programmes. Members of the Norwich Amateur Cine Society have three productions under way. Their 1933 News Reel of local events will include an ex¬ cellent film of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales opening Norwich Airport, this record being the work of the club’s secretary. Members of the acting section were given screen tests recently and the results will be shown, to gether with the other films, in October. Those who are technically interested, and live in the district, are asked to communicate with the secretary, Mr. H. P. Dun, 291, Sprowston Road, Norwich. An interesting exhibition will be held in September by members of the Hammersmith Hampshire House Pho¬ tographic Society Cine Group. The show will consist of a collection of about sixty “ stills ” showing various phases in motion-picture production with standard and sub-standard size film. Mr. J. Radford, 30, Avonmore Gardens, West Kensington, W.14, is the secretary of this group with the long name. Speaking of names, the Kilburn and A crowd seen from an tcnttsual angle such as this is often worth filming, provided there is sufficient movement. 22 184