Amateur Photographer & Cinematographer (1933)

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September 27, 1933 THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ADVERTISEMENTS I Supplement) 3 CAMERAS AND LENSES Trade. \LLEXS.— Graflex. 34x24, £9 1" 6; Vollenda 52, Te~=ar r 4.5, £6 19 6 : Etui, 9x12 cm.. Tessar f 4.5. £6 19,6 : Pathe 9.5 Projector, 59 6. — Below. \LLEXS. — Film Reflex, Dallmeyer f 4.5, T. and I., 59 6 ; Leica Model 2, with E.R. case, £14/19/6 (like new) ; Dalian Pack Tank, 14 6. — Below. 4LLEXS. — Ikonta (2 on 3J x2 . Tessar f 4.5, £6 19 6; also f 3.5 model, £3 19 6; Dall¬ meyer Baby Speed, f 2.9. £7 19 ’6. — Below. 4 LLF.NS. — p.c. Klito. Eoss Xpres f 4.5, £5 19 6 ; A Focal-plane Film Reflex, f 4.5, £5 19 6; f 3.4 model, £6,19 6 like new; ; Rolleiflex, f 2.8, 4x4 model, £14, including ease, Proxars, Distar, etc. — Below. \LLF.XS. — Brilliant, 39.6; Tourist, i-pl., Heliar f 4.5. slides, F.P.A., £10 18 6: T.-P. Hori¬ zontal Reflex, f 4.5, case, slides, F.P.A., £6.15; also f/3.5 Tessar model, £11 16,3. — Below. 4 LT.F.NS. — Tropical Reflex Ensign i-pl., f 3.4 A lens, £11 10 ; also Autospeed Film Camera, f 4.5, £8 19 6.— Below. 4 LLENS for Rolleiflex, Prominents, Baldax, Metrophot Meters, Ikontas ; two-thirds approxi¬ mately allowed on modem saleable apparatus as part payment, subject approval. — Allens, 168, Oldham Rd., Manchester, 4. (Cent. 9480.) [0087 EXCHANGE AND WANTED /"rLOTHIXG wanted for Finsbury’s Unemployed, V men, women and children : send parcels to — The Mayor of Finsbury, Councillor H. Kennett, J.P., Mayor’s Parlour, Town Hall. Rosebery Avenue, E.C.l. [7560 \FANTtD. — Enlarger, i-pl. Horizontal, with or 7 ' without lens : Abbeydale, M.C.C., T.-P. or similar. — Herring, 40, Princess Rd., Bournemouth West. Phone 5206. [7973 YI'AXTED — Justophot Exposure Meter, good » 1 condition ; must be cheap. — Edwards, 9, Coxwell St., Cirencester. [8071 VI' ANTED. — i-pl. Focal-plane Camera. — Box 8170, c o “ The Amateur Photographer.” [8067 EXCHANGE. — Leica, Meyer f 1.5, extras, for 31 Sibyl, with extra Telephoto or V.P. ditto, cash adjustment. — Box 8171, c o “ The Amateur Photographer.” [8068 41 ’ANTED. — F 6.3 anastigmat ; must be 10.5-cm. * » focus, and cheap. — Grimmer, 8, Spencer Rd., Xorth Wembley, Middlesex. [8073 \T LAN TED. — i-pl. Etui with f 4.5 lens, also Plate T t Magazine for i-pl. Duplex T.-P. Reflex ; exchange 3ix2| or V.P. Goerz Tenax and i-pl. Field Camera.— Capt. Hatfield, Bottisham, Cambs. [8085 \ 4 ’.ANTED. — 34x2$ Vertical Electric Enlarger, * ' good condition ; also Largodrem Exposure Meter ; deposit system. — Box 8172, c/o “ The Amateur Photographer.” [8087 EXCHAXGE. — Lancaster Vertical Enlarger for 3ix2i negatives Igas), Aldis f 7.7 and V.P.K. f 7.7, for i-pl. Camera. — Bridges, 32, Tankards Close, St. Michael’s, Bristol. [8089 Tl'AXTED. — Ikonta 520, Compur or Rolleiflex, * 7 exchange Zeiss Binocular Turolem, new, cost £9 15 ; cash adjustment. — Earl, Beggars Roost, Dymchurch, Kent. [8093 Yl' ANTED. — 6x13 or 4.5x10.7 Rolleidoscope. — * 7 Battersby, 17, Regent St., Xottingham. [8096 44’AN TED. — Second-hand Apparatus, etc., suitable 7 * for small D. & P. business in county town ; particulars and prices to — Box 8176, c, o “ The Amateur Photographer.” [8098 JUSTOPHOT Required, any pattern, good con¬ dition ; price or instrument. — Eric, 25, Clarence Place, Gravesend. , [8101 1 A’AXTED. — Leica Model I, f/3.5 lens, must be 7 7 in perfect condition, cash. — T. P. C. Tapper, Connaught Club, Marble Arch, London. [8104 Yl' ANTED. — Adjustable Adon Telephoto, latest 7 7 pattern, complete with flange ; approval, price, deposit system. — Elliott, 26, Warren Avenue, Nottingham. [8108 VI 'ANTED. — i-pl. Vertical Enlarger, with first7 7 class lens and accessories. — Edwards, 130, Gorsebrook Rd., Wolverhampton. [8112 OFFERS Wanted for Xagel Ranea, f/4.5 lens, 3x4 cm. pictures, complete in leather case, little used. — Write, BM BB6P, London, W.C.l. [8117 PATHE Type C Motor wanted, with resistance ; also self-erecting Silver Screen. — Morton, 12, The Drive, Gosforth, Northumberland. [8122 VV ANTED. — Three D.D. Slides for Perken, Son 7 ' and Rayment i-pl. Camera.— Colquhoun, 7, Coast guard ^Station, Dawlish. [8123 TWO NEW INTRODUCTIONS PAILLARD-Bolex projectors are built up to a finish, not down to a price. GOOD 9.5-mm. NEWS FOR ENTHUSIASTS! The PALLLABD-Bolex Model " P-A ” for 9.5-mm. aims. Fiued with 110-volt 250-waut bi?h efficiency air-cooled lampT ensuring perfect iHamina'ion. The only high-power, sprocketfed projector on the market with mechanism automatically stopping on notches. Instantaneous “ still ” picture device, without materially reducing intensify of Ulominant. Very smooth and silent running. Automatic reverse (most useful for tricks, etc.). PRICE : Ready for 110-volt mains (A.C. or £24:0:0 Additional resistance for higher voltages £1:17:6 Special attachment to project 30-ft. and £ H ■ H O « C 60-ft. reels . . . " 1 ■ 1 ° u The PAILLARD-Bolex Model “ C ” for 16-mm. films. Beaut if ally finished in grey stove enamelling, chromium plated. Fitted with really powerful illumination [250 watts), “ still picture device, without the slightest danger of blistering. Automatic reverse. Very silent running. A machine which will favourably compare with projectors selling at much higher figures. PRICE : Ready for 110-volt mains (A.C. or D.C.), with Hermagis f/1.9 lj-in. lens . £25:0:0 Additional resistance for higher voltages.. £1:17:6 YOUR DEALER CAN DEMONSTRATE. Folders free from : CINEX LIMITED 70, HIGH H0LB0RN, LONDON, W.C.l EXCHANGE AND WANTED**! VV ANTED. — Reflex, 34x24. with or without lens. 7> — E. B., 183, St. John St., E.C.l. [8125 44’AXTED. — Leica Model H or HL with f/3.5 7 ' Elmar or f 2.5 Hektor, must be cheap ; state lowest price. — Box 8184, c/o “ The Amateur Photographer.” [8135 EXCHANGE.— Cine-Kodak Model B, f/3.5, and Model C Kodascope. with variable resistance ; both as new ; for 9 x 12 cm. Miroflex, or long extension Reflex. — Box 8186, c o “ The Amateur Photographer.” [8137 Trade. IT 'ANTED. — For Cash or Exchange : Baby Cine » » Cameras, Projectors, Films. Microscopes, Telescopes, Binoculars, Optical, Mechanical Goods, and Modem Cameras. — Frank, 67, Saltmarket, Glasgow. [7890 YI'AXTED. — T.-P. 1-pl. Duplex Reflex (without it lens preferred). — 25, Grace St., South Shields. [8C99 CINEMATOGRAPH APPARATUS ZODELSCOPE Printer and Projector combined, in case, 16-mm., £4 10 ; suitable cine clubs. — Barrington, 4, Blomfield St., W.2. [8064 FOR Sale. — Standard Size Debrie Model Professional Cine Camera, four 400-ft, magazines, f/3.5 Zeiss lens, new condition ; sale or exchange miniature cameras. — IS, Hunter House, Hunter St., London. [8062 1 £?-HM. Home Projector. German, as new, capacity _LO 400-ft., complete with electric lamp, resistance for all voltages, etc., £4. — H. M., 4, Trouville Rd., S.W.4. [8110 ’TTVx 40 Celfix Automatic Crystal-bead Screen; guaranteed condition, £4/10. — Bell, 11, Martha Terrace, Crewe. [8118 BELL-HOWELL 75 Filmo. f/3.5 lens, also 3-in. f 4 Cooke Telephoto, filters for both lenses, leather case ; just as new, £25. cost over £40. — J. H. Pickford, Park Hurst, Doncaster Rd., Rotherham. [8139 Trade. FLUSTRASCREEXS. — Highly reflective super sil¬ ver projection surfaces, mounted with rollers and battens, framed sides, with ingenious stretching device, assuring a flawless picture area and maximum brilliance, rigid yet portable, easily rolled for transport after the show. ORDER an Blustrascreen to-day: 24x36 in., 15 ; 36x48 in., 25/-; 48 x 60 in., 40/-; 48x66 in., 45 ; 72x96 in., 99 ; any size made to order. PATHESCOPE 60-ft. Films, big selection, 2/6 brings yon a carefully selected sample and big bargain list. FLUSTRALIGHT. — The Snper Hluminant for Pathe Baby Projectors : no heat problems, in spite of the amazing brilliance secured ; yet a 6-ft. picture is shown with ease. The system uses a highly efficient reflecting device, a new type condenser, and the whole in a lantern of the same diameter as the Pathe, but one inch longer, fitted to any standard Pathe in a few seconds ; hundreds of satisfied customers ; your early order solicited ; goods sent by return ; complete sets for all mains voltages, 60/ post paid ; accumulator models, 40, only. 1 £»-MM. Films, Cartoons, Chaplins, Comedies, 10 1 1) secures a perfect 100-ft. subject and lengthy list. TLLUSTRACHROME. — -The Colour Wheel that i will give your movies a professional touch ; atmospheric effects and colour changes without shadow ; two colours can be used at the same time ; price, including fitment for Baby Cine, 5/-, post paid to all parts of the world. EVERYTHING for Movies, Projectors (9, 16, and 35 mm.), from 30/ ; Cameras from 20 ' ; Screens from 5 ; Standard Films from 10, ; your inspection invited. F/USTRA ENTERPRISES, 159, Wardour St., London, W.l (Facing Film House) ; Phone, Gerrard 6889. [8055 CINEMATOGRAPH Films, Accessories ; standard only ; lists free ; sample 1 /-. — Filmeries, 57, Lancaster Rd., Leytonstone, E.ll. [3523 SUPER-SPEED 35-mm. Negative, from 10/6 100-ft. ; Developing and Printing, etc.— B. & S. Productions, 1, Mitre Court, London, E.C.4. [8076 USE OUR DEPOSIT SYSTEM AND AVOID ALL RISK. 43