Amateur Photographer & Cinematographer (1933)

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October nth, 1933 light is “ slow ” the photographer of to-day has the advantage of more rapid lenses and sensitive material. He can safely take " snapshots ” under conditions which would have necessitated a “ time ” exposure years ago. I should say that all three negatives from which the illustrations were made would have been taken on “ ordinary ” plates with a speed of something like 250 H. & D. At any rate they might have been ; so that the beginner with a lens working at no more than f/8 should have no trouble with his modern film. In Figs. 1 and 2 the haze was of the bright variety. It was mildly saturated with diffused sunlight. In Fig. 3 the atmosphere was distinctly foggy, and the effect by no means unfamiliar to dwellers in large towns. The subjects are all simple and ordinary enough, but the point is that they are different from what they would have been in a clear bright lighting. It is a good plan to try various versions of any easily accessible subject under conditions of lighting and atmosphere as varied as possible, and to compare the results. The best “ atmospheric ” results are obtained when the subject includes several planes, so that nearer objects stand out strongly and boldly, those in the middle distance more softly, and those beyond still more delicately. This “ recession of planes ” is very effective, and it can be secured most easily when there is just the right amount of mist in the air. It is in such conditions, too, that distinct shafts of sunlight can be most effectively rendered. The Week* Societies will have their meetings announced here if the syllabus is Wednesday, October 11th. Brighton and Hove C.C. Annual General Meeting. Chorley P.S. “ Architectural Photography.” W. Cowperthwaite. Croydon C.C. “ Flight in Natural History.” J. A. Speed. Ilford P.S. Exposure and Development. L. Vizard. Leicester and L.P.S. M.C.P.F. Portfolio and Slides. Stockport P.S. Annual General Meeting. Worcestershire C.C. “ Norway — a Peep at its Folk and Fjords.” F. W. Pilditch. Thursday, October 12th. Ashton-under-Lyne P.S. “ Pictures for Pleasure.” R. A. Johnson. Bury P.S. “ Flashlight Photography.” W. Yates. Hull P.S. Y.P.U. Trophy Prints and Shield Slides. Keighley and D.P.A. “ Art and the Photographer.” D. Holmes. Kingston-upon-Thames and D.P.S. “ The Evolution of the Dwelling-house.” E. Yates. Liverpool A.P.A. “ On and Off the Beaten Track in Jugo-Slavia." J. Shaw. Newcastle and District A.C.A. Club Film : “ Slipways.” N. Middlesex P.S. “ Pictorial Essentials.” R. H. Lawton. Oldham P.S. L. and C.P.U. Prints. Singer C.C. “ The Amateur Photographer ” Prize Prints. Twickenham P.S. “ What we did with our 5s. 3d. Camera.” L. Balston and H. B. Wells. Wimbledon C.C. Surprise Evening. Friday, October 13th. Bexley Heath P.S. “ London Calling.” G. H. Dannatt. Harrogate P.S. “ Marvels of Pond Life.” G. H. Charlesworth. Hinckley and D.P.S. Opening Night Exhibition. Leigh-on-Sea C.C. Gaslight Printing. Southend-on-Sea and D.P.S. Various Printing Methods. F. T. Usher. Saturday, October 14th. Bexley Heath P.S. “ A Knapsack Holiday in Lakeland.” G. E. W. Herbert. Sunday, October 15th. Camberwell C.C. Ramble : Caterham. Hammersmith H.H.P.S. Whipsnade. Monday, October 16th. Ashton-under-Lyne P.S. Materials. Erdington and D.P.S. “ Portraiture by Artificial Light.” H. J. Trueman and F. T. Woolley. The AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER © 6 CINEMATOGRAPHER a Fig. 3 No intelligent reader of this paper could possibly think of putting his camera away just because “ summer¬ time ” is over. He will see what he can do with autumn mists, and even November fogs — w'hich are often in evidence in December, January, February and probably also in March and April. One of my best London fog pictures, with the street lamps alight, was taken in May. So cheer up ! We must not forget that in any month there will be bright sunny days by way of variety. W. L. F. W. s Meetings sent to us at the beginning of the session or from time to time. Monday, October 16th ( contd .). Hucknall and D.P.S. An Hour’s Cine Show. C. Bullock. Keighley and D.P.A. Y.P.U. Trophy Prints. Leeds C.C. “ Pictorial Work with an Enlarging Lantern.” H. G. Grainger. Newcastle (Staffs) and D.C.C. Lantern Slide Evening. F. Bradley. Oxford P.S. “ Taking the Photograph.” South London P.S. Portraiture Evening. Southport P.S. “ Cameras and How to Use them.” (Beginners’ Evening.) Walsall P.S. “ Our Methods of Developing.” W. J. S. Brown and A. W. Farrington. Tuesday, October 17th. Birmingham P.S. “ The Gum-Bichromate Process.” J. C. Batkin. Cambridge P.C. “ Table-top Photography.” C. Howard. Forest Hill and D.P.S. Exhibition of Slides. A. E. Britton. Hackney P S. “ Five Weeks in Austria.” A. C. Wire. Halifax P.S. Selections of suitable Subjects from Members’ Prints. Harrow C.C. Cine Demonstration. J. C. Southgate. Leeds P.S. “ With a Naturalist in Lapland.” R. Chislett. Lincoln C.C. Night Photography. London County Council Staff C.C. Finishing the Print. F. Naylor. Monklands P.S. S.P.F. Slides. Newcastle and Tyneside P.S. “ Infra-Red.” Herbert Flower. Norwood C.C. “ Sussex by the Sea.” G. E. W. Herbert. Portsmouth C.C. Demonstration of 9.5 Cin6 Camera and Projector. Mr. Worley. Royal P.S. Presidential Address : “ The Application of Photography to Colour Printing.” A. J. Bull. St. Bride P.S. “ Manipulating Panchromatics.” F. T. Usher. Stafford P.S. Developing and Printing. H. Eymer. Whitehall C.C. “ Don Quixote with a Camera.” R. Wailes. Winchester P.S. “ Paper Negatives.” Major E. C. Whittle. York P.S. “ Pictures for Prizes and Press.” Edgar Rawnsley. Wednesday, October 18th. Brighton and Hove C.C. “ Picture-Making by Photography.” S. Bridgen. Chorley P.S. “ Wayfarers in Austria.” Miss Mercer. Croydon C.C. “ Experiences of a War Photographer.” H. Creighton Beckett. Ilford P.S. “ The Construction and Working of a Camera.” R. H. Bullen. Leicester and L.P.S. “ Compton Wynyates.” Smethwick and D.P.S. “ Colour in Lantern Slides.” J. W. Bloxham. South Suburban and C.P.S. “ Diffusion and Diffusers.” Rev. H. O. Fenton. Worcestershire C.C. Using the Enlarger. N. F. Pennington. 334 15