Amateur Photographer & Cinematographer (1933)

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October n, 1933 THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ADVERTISEMENTS IX .3$# ■& ^VT S<e O «*-\V <*■ R. F. HUNTER, LTD CELFIX HOUSE, 51, GRAY’S INN SOLE 7 IMPORTERS ROAD, LONDON, W.C.I Phone: HOLBORN 7311-2. The Amateur Photographer & Cinematographer CLOSING DATE : Tuesday, October 31st, 1933. Classes and Subjects. Class I. — Landscape, with or without figures, sea subjects and river scenery. Class II. — Portraiture and figure studies, whether indoor or outdoor pictures. Class III. — Architecture, interior and exterior. Class IV. — Flowers, fruit and other “ Still-Life ” subjects. Class V. — Natural-history subjects. Class VI. — Lantern slides in colour (not handcoloured) . Class VII. — Champion class. Open only to those who have won silver or bronze plaques in The Amateur Photographer and Cine¬ matographer lantern-slide competition. Conditions and Awards. (1) All classes are open to amateur and professional photographers without any restrictions. All slides must measure 3^x 3^ in., and must be properly spotted for showing in the lantern. (2) One silver plaque, one bronze plaque, and four certificates are offered in each class except Class VII. In that, the Champion Class, the award will be a mounted and signed exhibition picture by Mr. F. J. Mortimer, the Editor of The Amateur Photographer and Cinematographer and Photograms of the Year. (3) All slides which receive any award will become the property of The Amateur Photographer and Cinematographer, and will be sent round amongst the societies and such other associations as apply for the loan of them. Any other slides may be selected for circulation in this manner, and will be paid for at the rate of half a crown each. (4) Competitors may send any number of slides in any class, and may be recorded as winning any number of awards ; but no competitor will actually receive in the competition more than one silver plaque, one bronze plaque, and one certificate, on which all his awards will be recorded. Competitors may enter in any number of classes. (5) Each slide must bear the competitor’s name, its title and its class. With the slides must be sent an envelope containing the name and full address of the com¬ petitor, a list of the titles of all the slides he is sending in, and the class in which such are entered. Particulars as to make of plate, exposure, developer used, etc., and other technical data which may be of interest for incorporation in the notes which will accompany the winning slides on their tour among the photographic societies, should also be given where thought necessary. (6) A stamped and addressed label (not loose stamps) should be sent with the slides for their return if unsuccessful ; but in no circumstance can the Editor or the Publishers accept any responsibility for slides sent in for competition, nor for their return ; neither can slides be returned which are not accompanied by stamps as above. (7) Not more than one slide from any one negative can be admitted, nor may any slide compete which has before won an award in these competitions. (8) The last day for receiving is -Tuesday, October 31st. The slides must be well packed, and addressed “ Slide Competition, The Editor, The Amateur Photo grapher and Cinematographer, Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, S.E.i,” and all carriage charges must be prepaid. (9) In any case of dispute, the competitor agrees to accept the decision of the Editor of The Amateur Photographer and Cinematographer as final. PLEASE MENTION “THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER” WHEN CORRESPONDING WITH ADVERTISERS. 25