Amateur Photographer & Cinematographer (1933)

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IV THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ADVERTISEMENTS November 15, 1933 GAMAGES Great Bargain Offer of 16-mm. MOTOR-DRIVEN “KODATOY” PROJECTORS Original List Price , £5 : 17 : 6 NOW and THEN during the next few weeks there will be some happy meeting, or a jolly incident at home, that will make a pleasing SNAP. It could easily be taken with JOHNSON’S FLASHPOWDER and might win a prize of in Johnson’s Competition £3 3s. To delay ordering this wonderful bargain is to risk disappointment. Every day orders pour in from all parts of the country. Each " Kodatoy ” is complete with 3 films and screen. Threeblade shutter, motor speed control, still-picture de¬ vice and self-contained resistance for all voltages from 100 to 250. Gives a brilliantly illuminated 30-in. picture at a distance of 9 ft. Fitted with reels to take 100-ft. Kodak film, and in«*addition extension arms can be fitted to take 400-ft. reels, giv¬ ing a continuous 20-minute show. Price 39/6. GAMAGES PRICE f MADE "BY I KODAK — — — — — — — — — BARGAINS in USED CINE APPARATUS Pathe 9. 5-mm. Projector, double claw. List /615s. £4 10 0 Pathe 9. 5-mm. Camera, complete in case. List £6 18s. 6d. £4 4 0 Path6 Latest 200-B Projector. As new. List £15 £11 17 6 Coronet 9. 5-mm. Camera. List ^3 5s. As new.. £1 12 6 Coronet 9. 5-mm. Projector. List £2 5s. Asnew £1 7 6 Kodatoy 16-mm. Hand-drive Projector. New..£l 5 0 Ensign Kinecam 4 16-mm. Camera. List/10 10s. £7 12 6 REMARKABLE ‘QUANTITY BARGAINS’ 2,300 16-mm. Films, in 25-ft. lengths, assorted Comic. Dramatic and Topical Subjects. Per length .... Is. 9d. 581 Strong Projector Carrying-cases and Silver Screen Combined. Case measures 13 x 6 x 13 J in. Each 4s. 6d. 230 18x13 in. Rigid Silver Screens, oak frame, dull black finish, fitted folding feet. Each . 4s. 6d. 482 Kodak 00 Silver Screens. Cost 7s. 6d. Each. . Is. 6d. 130 20-ft. 16-mm. Matt Leader Films. Each. . . . Is. 3d. 3,000 25-ft. Kodaplays, all titles. Each . 2s. 6d. 75 100-ft. Kodagraphs, various titles. Each . 13s. 6d. GAMAGES, HOLBORN. LONDON, E.C. 1 Phone: Holborn 8484. FLASHLIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY is safe and simple when you use Johnson’s Flashpowder. No special apparatus or lamp is necessary, and the direction leaflet shows exactly how much powder to use. X Write for leaflet Johnson & sons, _ Manufacturing Chemists, LTD. D.pi. Hendon, London, N.W.4 BETT AND QUIC For exquisite shading effects in delicate re¬ touching and colour¬ ing, the Aerograph is indispensable. Write for a free booklet which explains the mechanism and scope of the Aerograph— its initial cost will be more than repaid by the speed and efficiency of its working. ROGRAPH AEROGRAPH CO., LTD. 43, Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C.l. CVS— r,2 4 PLEASE MENTION “THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ” WHEN CORRESPONDING WITH ADVERTISERS.