Amateur Photographer & Cinematographer (1933)

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THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ADVERTISEMENTS December 13, 1933 A Gift Your Photographer = friends Will Appreciate THE ‘WELLCOME EXPOSURE CALCULATOR HANDBOOK and DIARY All Chemists and Photo-dealers, 1/0 Contains the ever-popular Exposure Calculator and a wealth of information. 9 BUY I NOW I Publisher’s Stocks Exhausted. Buy your copies today and avoid disappointment. Burroughs Wellcome & Co. London °Ko. 1M9 COPYRIGHT SUBSCRIPTIONS: The Amateur Photographer and Cinematographer Is published by Iliffe & Sons Ltd., of Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, 8.E.1, every Wednesday morning in town <*nd country, and may be obtained of alj newsagents and bookstalls, or delivered first post on Wednesday at the following rates : British Isles and Canada. s. d. Other Countries Abroad. s. d. Twelve Months . . . . 17 4 Twelve Months . . . . . . 19 6 Six Months . . . . . . 8 b Six Months . . . . . . . . 9 9 Three Months . . . . . . 4 4 Three Months . . . . 4 11 Single Copy . . . . . . 4 Single Copy . . . . . . . . 41 The Editorial, Advertising and Publishing Offices are at Dorset House. Stamford Street, London, S.E.l, England. Telegrams: Amaphot, Watloo, London. Telephone: Hop 3333 (00 lines). Northern Offices — *200, Deansgate, Manchester, 3. Telegrams : Iliffe, Manchester. Telephone : Blackfriars 4412 (4 lines). Midland Offices — Guildhall Buildings, Navigation Street, Birmingham, 2. Telegrams : Autopress, Birmingham. Telephone : Midland *2970 (3 lines). 19, Hertford Street, Coventry. Telegrams : Cyclist, Coventry. Telephone : 5210. Scottish Offices — 26b, Renfleld Street, Glasgow. C.*2. Telegrams : Iliffe, Glasgow. Telephone : Central 4857. Entered as second-class matter at New York (N.Y.) Post Office. “The Amateur Photographer” can be obtained abroad from the following : United States: The International News Co., New York. France : W. H. Smith & Son, 248, Rue Rivoli, Paris ; Hachette et Cie, Rue Reaumur, Paris. Belgium : W. H. Smith & Son, 71-76, Boulevard Adolphe Max, Brussels. Australia : Gordon and Gotch, Ltd., Melbourne (Victoria), Sydney (N.S.W.), Brisbane (Queensland), Adelaide (S.A.), Perth (W.A.) and Launceston (Tasmania). New Zealand : Gordon A GotchtLtd., Wellington. Auckland, Christchurch and Dunedin. India : P. H. Wheeler and Co.. Bombay, Allahabad and Calcutta. Canada : Toronto News Co., Ltd., Toronto ; Montreal News Co., Montreal ; Winnipeg News Co., Winnipeg ; British Columbia News Co., Vancouver ; Gordon A Gotch, Ltd., 132, Bay Street, Toronto. South Africa : Central News Agency, Ltd. Buy Your Christmas FOLDERS— Now We have Thousands in Stock. NEW DESIGNS. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. For Postcards, Cabinets and Amateur sizes Slip-in Folders for Postcards. Prices from : 2/ 50, 3/6 100, 25/ 1,000 Post free. SAMPLE PARCEL We will send a BUMPER PARCEL of Assorted Xmas Folders, suitable for all sizes, post free for 1/-; or for 2^6 we will include our range of Calendars. These samples are unmarked, and can be resold at a profit. ORDER EARLY. DO IT NOW I MARSHALL & CO. FORD STREET, NOTTINGHAM. BARGAIN WINDOW Leitz Leica Model II, f/3.5 Elmar and 1/6.6 Dallon Tele lens, automatic focussing, Leica universal view-finder, also Con-ex developing tank ; listed £34 ; as new, £22 10 0. 4 — Pi. M.C.C. Enlarger No. 4, 8|-In. condenser, every move¬ ment carrier and lens ; perfect, £8 10 0. i-pl. Grosvenor Enlarger, 51 -In. condenser, f/7.7 Aldis lens, every movement carrier, electric equipment ; an enlarger de luxe ; as new, £6 15 0. Whole-plate Ross Enlarger, 11 -in. condenser, all-ways carrier. Westminster arc lamp, £10 17 6. Dallmeyer Speed, 6 x 4i cm., f/2.9 Pentac, f/6.5 Dallon Telephoto. 6 slides, F.P. adapter, leather case, £15 15 0. Zeiss Ikon Miraphot Enlarger, i-pl. and smaller, f/6.3 Novar lens ; unused, £7 15 0. Coronet Motocamera, 9.5-mm., f/3.9 T.T. * H. anastigmat ; as new. £1 17 6. Ensign Auto-Kinecam, 16-mm.. f/2.6 anastigmat lens, 3 speeds, case. £9 9 0. Zeiss Baby Ikonta, with f/4.5 lens ; as new, £3 5 0. Ensign Roll Film, f/4.5 Ensar, Mulchro shutter ; as new, £4 5 0. Approximately two-thirds list price allowed for modern apparatus in exchange. KFN Pn station approach, oc uu. kew gardens, surrey The Camera Exchange Midlands BIRMINGHAM AGENTS FOR All the latest makes of Cin6 Cameras and Projectors, including B0LEX, SIEMENS, BELL & HOWELL, ENSIGN, KODAK, PATH£, VICTOR, CINi NIZO, ZEISS AND AGFA. Brand new 16-mm. Zeiss Projectors, List Price £19:15:0 ; Clearance Price £1 5 :1 5 :0 SEE IT BEFORE YOU BUY IT AT GALLOWAYS Photographic Chemists VICTORIA SQUARE, ( Opposite O.P.O.) BIRMINGHAM Phone : MID. 5670. TO BE Sure Of S uccess with your film programme, write immediately to THE Path6scope Specialists for particulars of their Hire Library of Super Films. BEST FILMS BEST HIRE TERMS AND BEST CONDITION. RELIEF COMES IMMEDIATELY you get our list, and you have nothing further to worry about. CITY SALE & EXCHANCE C929) LTD. The Home of Home Movies 59, CHEAPSIDE, E.C.2 BOOK YOUR PATHli LIBRARY FILMS NOW FOR XMAS ! WE HAVE ALL THE LATEST RELEASES AVAILABLE 3/6 3 more per reel Single reels, O/Q per week, ** THE CAMERA & GRAMOPHONE CO., 320, VaurhaU Bridge Road, Victoria, S.W.l. ( One minute Victoria Station.) Telephone : VIC. 2977. Here’s Quality at the Right Price ! Your film Developed and 1 Velox glazed print made from each negative : V.P. and 31 x 21, 8 exposures. 1/2, No. 116 (2| x 41) 1/6, 4^x31 1/3, 61x31 1/8. 1/6 dozen, 1/ 1 dozen, Superior Postcard Enlargements. 4/ dozen, 2/9 1 dozen, 81 x 61 : 2/6 dozen, 1/6 t dozen, 61 x 4J enlargements, 21 20 x 16 )5 x 12 1/9, 12x10 1/3, 10x8 1/-, 81x61 9d., 61 x 4* 6d. PROMPT DISPATCH OF ALL ORDERS. Sizes up to 1*2 x iu glazed, unless otherwise ordered. All above post paid except glass negatives, when 3d. extra must be added. Every satisfaction guaranteed. Write for latest lists. OSBORNE & CAMPION, 122, East Park Road, LEICESTER. 26 PLEASE MENTION “ THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER’’ WHEN CORRESPONDING WITH ADVERTISERS.