Amateur Photographer & Cinematographer (1933)

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December 20, 1933 THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ADVERTISEMENTS xi Complete with 9 ft. flex with wall plug, also PRICE ftA / lampholder fittings . ONLY Diffuser 2/6 extra. Metal Telescopic Tripod, extending to 70 in. high . 12/6 600-watt Nitraphot Lamp. 23/6 (Please stale voltage when order¬ ing). Nitraphot Exposure Meter, 1/6. SANDS HTJNTER & CO., LTD., 37, Bedford St., Strand, W.C.2 For INDOOR GROUPS AND PORTRAITS AT XMAS 4,000 C.P. REFLECTOR m :vt® 1 & ALL-BRITISH PHOTO PLATES & PAPER GASLIGHT PAPERS V.P. 3i x2i 2|x4J ±-p!ate 5x4 Postcard 1/9 per gross 2/9 3/7 4/5/6 5/4 BROMIDE PAPERS i-plate 8x6 81 x 61 10x8 12x10 15x12 7/9 per gross 12/ . 13/11 , 20/30/45/ GLOSSY, SILKY OR MATTE 3 Grades VIGOROUS, ORDINARY OR SOFT POSTCARDS, GASLIGHT OR BROMIDE 22/ per 1.000. 11/ per 500. 2/9 per 100. Singles or strips. PLATES Special Rapid 300 H.D. Iso Press 600 H.D. 31x21 .. 1/3 per pkt. I Postcard .. 2/6 per pkt. i plate . . 1/9 ,. ., 1 1-plate . . 3/6 ,. „ MARTIN Photographic Chemists, SOUTHAMPTON SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR QUANTITIES. REPAIRERS Trade, REPAIRS to Cameras, focal-plane and other shutters, etc., by skilful workmen. — W. A. Furse (many years with C. P. Goerz Optical Works), 27, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. [0006 BOWEN’S CAMERA REPAIR SERVICE, LTD., undertake repairs to all makes of cameras, shutters, etc., estimate submitted ; instruments insured whilst on premises ; Dealers’ and Press inquiries invited. — 114/115, Holborn, E.C.l (near Gamages). Holborn 3126. [0062 PRINTING, COPYINC, DEVELOPING | Trade, ry /_ PER GROSS, 40/ per 1,000, including title, I / " best Photographic Postcards on Kodak Bromide ; if enlarged from snapshot negative 36 for 3/ ; titling 6d. extra. — Shawyer, Swindon. [0064 ALL Developing and Printing, same-day service ; Roll Films and one print each to 3jx24 1/ ; 4Jx3i 1/3, 5ix34 1/8 ; write for lists ; see also Enlargements.” — The Defoe Photographic Service, 11, Roscoe St., London, E.C.l. Clerkenwell 1871. [0057 TUITION. BOOKS, etc. | Trade, AMATEUR Photographers interested in selling their photographs should write immediately for free prospectus ; no obligation. — World’s Photographic Academy, 5, Shannon Terrace, Chadwell Heath, Essex. [8762 EVENING Class. — Cripplegate Institute, Golden Lane, City (3 minutes Aldersgate St. Met. Station), instructed by John H. Gear, F.R.P.S. ; Wednesdays, 6.30-8 ; Spring Session commences 3rd January ; practical photography, open to all ; few vacancies only, 3 months 15/-. — Particulars, write Manager Institute. [8995 RETOUCHING Trade. RETOUCHING. — First-class work promptly exe¬ cuted. — Miss Lamb, 3, Orchard St., Canterbury. [5386 Here’s Quality at the Right Price ! Your flJm Developed and 1 Velox glazed print made from each negative : V.P. and 3$ x 2£, 8 exposures. 1/2, No. 116 (2$ x 4$) 1/6, 4J *31 1/3, 54 x 3J 1/8. 1/6 dozen, 1/ 1 dozen, Superior Postcard Enlargements. 4/ dozen. 2/9 j dozen, 81 x 61 ; 2/6 dozen, 1/6 1 dozen, 61 x 4J enlargements, 2/ 20 x 16 15 x 12 1/9, 12x10 1/3, 10x8 1/-, 81 x64 9d„ 61 x 4| 0d. PROMPT DISPATCH OF ALL ORDERS. Sizes up to 12 x 10 glazed, unless otherwise ordered. All above post paid except glass negatives, when 3d. extra must be added. Every satisfaction guaranteed. Write for latest lists. OSBORNE & CAMPION, 122, East Park Road, LEICESTER. ALLENS CAMERA EXCHANGE SERVICE Two-tliirds (approximately) allowed as part payment on modern cameras, when purchasing new cameras. (Send for free booklet explaining.) Cameras as part payment must be subject to our approval. Write, stating exactly what you have as part payment, the price paid and date purchased, with particulars also of new apparatus required. ROLLEIFLEX CONTAX LEICA PROMINENT BRILLIANT ETUI.BALDAX CINE-KODAK SUPERB, Etc. ALLENS, 168, OLDHAM RD., MANCHESTER, 4 See Cameras and Lenses, Materials, and Enlargements columns. EVERY FRIDAY FOURPENCE THE LEADING MOTOR PAPER BOOKS ON Photography WRITE FOR 1934 LIST JUST PUBLISHED. THE NEW ILLUSTRATED ANNUALS AMERICAN ANNUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY 1934. Interesting articles on The Nude in Photography, 16-mm. Sound, Experiments with a Miniature Camera, Natural Colour with the Miniature Camera. 1)6 full-page illustrations. Paper Covers 8s. 6d. Cloth Bound 12s. 6d. Postage 9d. PHOTOGRAMS OF THE YEAR. The Annual Review of the World’s Pictorial Photographic Work. Paper Covers 5s. Od. Cloth Bound 7s. 6d. Postage 9d. BRITISH JOURNAL ALMANAC 1934. The big book with its unique advertising section. 64 full-page illustrations of the world’s best pictorial photography. Paper Covers 2s. Od. Cloth Bound 3s. Od. Postage 9d. PHOTOGRAPHIE 1933/4. 118 illustrations of masterpieces of camera art by photographers of international repute. A French publication. 21s. Od. Postage 9d. DAS DEUTSCHE LICHTBILD 1934. 160 reproductions by leading German photographers, with technical details. English edition. 25s. Od. Postage 9d. LICHTBILD DER NATIONEN. A new publication, representing the best work of photographers of all nations. Profusely illustrated. 10s. 6d. Postage 9d. Orders booked now for execution immediately on publication. SANDS HUNTERiGl? 37, BEDFORD ST STRAND LONDON, W.C.2. BOOK YOUR PATHE LIBRARY FILMS NOW FOR XMAS ! WE HAVE ALL THE LATEST RELEASES AVAILABLE Single reels, O /A per week, **/ ^ THE CAMERA & GRAMOPHONE CO., 320, Vauxhall Bridge Road, Victoria, S.W.l. {One minute Victoria Station.) Telephone : VIC. 2977. 3 or more 3/6 5 to QUICK POSTAL SERVICE^ DEVELOPING. VELOX PRINTS. KODAK ROYAL BRO¬ MIDE ENLARGEMENTS. 1934 P.C. AND 4-PLATE CALEN¬ DARS. XMAS CARDS. WOOD FRAMES, ALL KINDS. BRAEMAR FRAMES. PASSE-PARTOUT BINDING. COLOURING, SEPIA AND BLUE TONES. BIG PRINTS. SUPER PRINTS, POSTCARDS. PORTRAIT GIFT. SUN¬ BURN MIRROR SNAPS KUTOGRAPH Regd. KUTOGRAPH 1934 CALENDARS, Regd. FOTOZO Regd. GLAZING SOLUTION. REDUCING, INTENSIFYING. LANTERN SLIDES. Id. Stamp P.C. for List and Terms. p SPEEDY D.&P. Ltd., Shelford Place, N.16 | A CINEMA ENTERTAINMENT IN BIRMINGHAM ON CHRISTMAS DAY! AND ANY OTHER DAY YOU LIKE. HAVE YOUR OWN CINEMA IN YOUR OWN HOME THIS YEAR— THE MOST FASCINATING HOBBY OF ALL. COMPLETE PROJECTORS FROM FREE DEMONSTRATIONS. 500 FILMS FOR HIRE — we STOCK EVERY SUPER REEL IN THE PATHfi CATALOGUE. COME and GET YOURS FOR CHRISTMAS *’ The Camera Exchange of the Midlands GALLOWAYS Photographic Chemists, VICTORIA SQUARE, BIRMINGHAM. 45/ ( Opposite Q.P.O.) Phone: MID. 5670. BE WISE IN TIME— USE OUR DEPOSIT SYSTEM. 31