Amateur Photographer & Cinematographer (1933)

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IV THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ADVERTISEMENTS December 27, 1933 COOKE CONVERTIBLE Series XV. Three Lenses in One (1) Combined lens. (2) Front component. (3) Back component. The front and rear components, individually, are com¬ plete optical units — giving perfect definition over the plate they are designed to cover. The front component is unscrewed when the back is used alone and the back is unscrewed when using the front. When used with Iris Barrel the standard 2i-in. flange is provided. All three lenses will cover 10x8 inches at infinity. TAYLOR, TAYLOR & HOBSON, LTD. Leicester and London THIRD EDITION REVISED THROUGHOUT AND BROUGHT RIGHT UP TO DATE PHOTOGRAPHY MADE EASY By R. CHILD BAY LEY Author of ** The Complete Photographer.” “Hand Cameras,” “Photographic Enlarging ” AS EASY AS B This is a book for photographic beginners, and, if carefully studied, it will enable the novice with a camera to get a greater proportion of successful photographs than would usually be the case. “ Photography Made Easy ” should be read by everyone taking up photography : it should form as much a part of the outfit as the camera itself : it is an ideal present to give an amateur photographer. Crown 8 vo, 250 pp. Stout paper covers Price 2/ net By Post 2 3 Obtainable from all leading booksellers, or direct by post from the Publishers ILIFFE & SONS LTD., Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, S.E.1 TANCOL ‘TABLOID’ "»»»» ‘TANCOL' ”S{ DEVELOPER Of all Dealers Price 1\6 Produces bright, plucky negatives of “ pyro quality” without chemical fog. Burroughs Wellcome & Co., London Pho. 1547 COPYRIGHT DIARIES for 1934 “THE AUTOCAR” MOTORIST'S DIARY and Handbook of Motor Sport Includes the principal motoring competitions, events and records, Brooklands handicap tables, etc., and other useful information. “THE MOTOR CYCLE” DIARY For every keen rider. Gives a wealth of information on all motor cycling topics, conveniently arranged for quick reference. “THE WIRELESS WORLD” DIARY Invaluable to all wireless enthusi¬ asts. Contains 78 pages of useful information on a variety of wireless problems. Uniform in size, style and price. Bound in leather cloth 4£ x 3J inches, round corners, pencil in binding loop. Each 1/6 by post 1/7 From all booksellers, stationers and bookstalls, or direct from the Publishers : ILIFFE & SONS LTD., DORSET HOUSE, STAMFORD STREET, LONDON, S.E.1 4 PLEASE MENTION “ THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ” WHEN CORRESPONDING WITH ADVERTISERS.