Amateur Photographer & Cinematographer (1933)

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THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ADVERTISEMENTS December 27. J933 LANTERNS & ENLARGERS c ANCASTER ONDENSER Type Trade. gNLARGERS. CRESCO ” Vertical Enlarger, for use with own Leica or Contax lens, or complete with Dallmeyer f/4.5 anastigmat. “ IX/fARVEL ” Horizontal Enlarger, for use with ItA own Rolleiflex, Ikonta (or similar type) camera and lens. “ * MPLUS ” Vertical Enlarger, , for use with own 3ix2^ or i-pl. camera, or complete with lens. AUTO-AMPLUS ” Vertical Automatic Focussing Enlarger, for 3£x2}, i-pl., 5Ax3I or i-pl. negatives. ELECTRIC or Gas Illuminant can be used with any of the above. “TTNIVERSAL” Automatic Focussing Enlarger, U with mercury vapour illuminant, for A-pl., whole-plate or 12x10 negatives. J^IST, fully illustrated, post free on request. J. LANCASTER & SON, LTD., 87, Parade, Bir¬ mingham, 1. Telephone, Central 4255. LONDON Agents. — Messrs. The Service Co., Ltd., 289, High Holborn, W.C.l ; Messrs. Wallace Heaton, Ltd., 119, New Bond St., W.l. ENLARGERS. — List of Condenser Lenses, un¬ mounted and mounted, and other parts for own construction ; postage 2d. — Lancasters, 87, Parade, Birmingham, 1. [0082 | LANTERN SLIDES | Trade. BEST Results from Films, Prints, etc. ; list PE. — Flatters & Garnett, Ltd., 309, Oxford Rd., Manchester. [0096 LANTERN Slide Transfers, coloured subjects, Fairy Tales, Educational, Religious, Military, sets of 12 on sheet : 100 sets assorted for 7/6, worth 1/ per set, no lists ; bankrupt stock. — Lloyd's Photographic Supplies, 87, Lamb’s Conduit St., W.C.l. [8910 ENLARGEMENTS Trade. 1/Q DOZEN, lOd. 6, 6d. 3, 3d. 1.— Postcards, /O from small film or plate, retouching and vignettes included ; postage extra. — Speight, 38, Gainsborough Avenue, Oldham. [0017 POSTCARD Enlargements, 1/3 dozen, 6 for 9d. ; assorted 2d. each.— Below. FREE /or every 7/6 spent with us, one 8$ x 6J mounted Enlargement from your negative ; no disappointments ; same-day service ; 8}x61 10d., 10x8 1/1, 12x10 1/4, 15x12 2/1; mounted A.B. or P.S., 84x61 1/6, 10x8 2/-, 12x10 3/-; excellent results certain ; write for free lists ; trade specially catered for.— The Defoe Photo¬ graphic Service, 11, Roscoe St., London, E.C.l. Clerkenwell 1871. [0056 2D. Each, Superior P.C. Enlargements, any quantity, glossy or semi-matt. — Allens, 168, Oldham Rd., Manchester, 4. [0094 ENLARGEMENTS of Quality, Postcard Printing. etc. ; price list free. — Slater, Sawtry, Peter¬ borough. [4423 MINIATURE Camera Specialist. — 1-pl. Enlarge¬ ments, 2d. ; send for list. — George Childe, Photo-Chemist, 228, Roundhay Rd., Leeds. [8305 SITUATIONS VACANT Trade. PUPIL. — We3t End Studio has vacancy for welleducated lady to learn photography ; excep¬ tional opportunity.— Box 8932, c/o “ The Amateur Photographer.” 19041 | RETOUCHING | Trade. RETOUCHING. — Best Work, charges from : i-pl. bust. 8d. ; half-length, 4d. ; three-quarter, 3d. ; full, 2d. ; i-pl. head, 5d. ; cash and postage with order. — Miss Lamb, 3, Orchard St., Canterbury. [5338 PRINTING, COPYING, DEVELOPING Trade. 17 /_ PER GROSS, 40/ per 1,000, including title. I / best Photographic Postcards on Kodak Bromide ; if enlarged from snapshot negative 36for 3/ ; titling 6d. extra. — Shawyer, Swindon. [0064 ALL Developing and Printing, same-day service ; Roil Films and one print each to 3ix2i 1/-; 4ix3i 1/3, 5ix3i 1/8; write for lists; see also“ Enlargements.” — The Defoe Photographic Service, 11, Roscoe St., London, E.C.l. Clerkenwell 1871. [0057 j _ REPA I R ERS _ | Trade. REPAIRS to Cameras, focal-plane and other shutters, etc., by skilful workmen. — W. A. Furse (many years with C. P. Goerz Optical Works), 27, Chancery Lane. London, W.C.2. [0006 BOWEN’S CAMERA REPAIR SERVICE, LTD., undertake repairs to all makes of cameras, shutters, etc., estimate submitted ; instruments insured whilst on premises ; Dealers’ and Press inquiries invited. — 114/115, Holborn, E.C.l (near Carnages). Holborn 3126. [0062 TUITION, BOOKS, etc. Trade. EVENING Class. — Cripplegate Institute. Golden Lane, City (3 minutes Aldersgato St. Met. Station), instructed by John H. Gear, F.R.P.S. ; Wednesdays, 6.30-8 Spring Session commences 3rd January ; practical photography, open to all ; few vacancies only, 3 months 15/-. — Particulars, write Manager Institute. [8995 BOOKS ON PHOTOGRAPHY Write for complete list to Il.IFFE & Sons Ltd.. Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, S.E.l. Wide range of Catalogues post free anywhere. Cameras and Cine, Binoculars, Telescopes, Barometers, etc. Please state requirements. LATEST MODELS IN STOCK £3:10:0 9.5-mm. Coronet Cine Camera and Projector. Iso, 41x3] Voigtlander Triple Extension Alpine Hand, 13-cm. Voigtlander Convertible Collinear f/6.8, Com¬ pound to 1 /250th sec., 3 slides, case. Good condition . IU»J#U 4.5x6 cm. Ernoflex Folding Reflex, f/3.5 F.rnon, 3 slides, F.P. adapter, case. Fair con -CQ.1 C.fl dilion. Cost £24 . XJJ#JLO.U 3.Vx2l Mentor Bijou Reflex, Zeiss Tessar f/4.5, D.D. slide, F.P. adapter, case. (rood C11.1fl.rt 4.5x6 cm. T.-P. Bijou Reflex, revolving back, f/2.5 Cooke, 3 D.D. slides, F.P. adapter, case. PI 0.1 C.fl Good condition. Cost £20 . XIO.IO.U 6] x4 J Ensign de Luxe Reflex B, revolving back, 8i-in. Ross Xpres f/4.5, 3 D.D. slides, case. C07.1 rt*rt As new. List £53 1 os . Ifcil .1U.U 4^x3] Latest Adams' Minex Reflex, revolving back, 6-in. Ross Xpres f/4.5, 3 D.D. slides, F.P. adapter, case, time release. As new. List £61 £29:10:0 16-mm. Kodascope A, suitable for Kodacolor, 200-watt, geared rewind, supplementary resis C *19 .0.0 tance. Good condition. Cost £80 . IOL.U.U 16-mm. Bell-Howell “ JL ’’ Projector, 2-in. lens, 400 watt resistance, case. As new. List £75:0:0 28 OLD BOND ST. London, W.l 3Jx2V Minimum Palmos Press, f/4.5 Zeiss Tessar, 2 D.D. slides, F.P. adapter, leather case. f Q. 1 7.C Good condition . XO. 1 I .O 4fx3J, T.-P. Special Ruby Reflex, revolving back, 6-in. Pentacf/2.9, 3 D.D. slides, F.P. adapter. £1 A.l *7 .£? Fair condition. Cost over £27 . XHF.1* .D 3! x 2.) Zeiss Ikon Bebe, Tessar f/4.5, in delayed Compur, 6 slides, case. As new. List £22 12s. 6d. £11:17:6 31x2.1 T.-P. Junior Special Reflex, revolving back, Cooke f/3.5, 6 slides, F.P. adapter, leather £■! 0.1 O.fl case. Good condition. Cost £18 16s. 6d. I 51x31 and 6x13 cm. Marion Soho Stereoscopic Reflex, pair Ross Homocentric f/6.8, Mackenzie-Wishart slide A, 6 envelopes, F P. adapter, also adapters for 6x13 cm. postcard and $-pl. with 6 single slides for each size, printingframe and viewer. Good condition. . £18:18:0 5x4 Tropical Marion Soho Reflex, revolving back, 6i-in. double Plasmat f/4, 2 book-form D.D. slides, F.P. adap¬ ter, leather case. Good condition. . £19:15:0 31 x 21 Newman & Guardia Revolving Back Folding Reflex, 5^-in. Pentac f/2.9, 3 D.D. slides, F.P. adapter, lens hood, filter, case. Splendid con jP^O.1 f|«rt dition. List £61 3s . Ii*Xfci#lU»U 281 OXFORD ST. London, W.l Fourteen doors West of Circus. WEST BOUND BUSES STOP HERE. 9.5-mm. Midget Movie Combined Camera and Projector (Projector operated by 6o-volt battery). ■C1*Q«fi Good condition. List £5 5s . 6-in. Ross Homocentric f/6.3, in £1 *1 C*fl Compur. Excellent condition . 11*1 J*U 9.5-mm. Pathe Kid Projector, super attachment, 20volt Exide accumulator, case. Excel lent condition . I »U 3 4 cm. Zeiss Baby Ikonta 520/18, 16 exposures on V.P. roll film, f/4.5 Novar, Derval shutter, fQ^^fl; filter, purse case. Almost new. List £4 12s. 4] x 3] Double Extension Ensign Klito, f/4.5 Excellor, Compur, direct finder, 3 slides, F.P. adapter, canvas case. Good condition . £3:10:0 4]x21 la Ensign Roll Film, Aldis-Butcher f/4.5, Compur, frame finder. As new. Cost C4»1 £9 12s. 6d . X4*# A • 4|x3} T.-P. Special Ruby Reflex, revolving back, 5 J -in. Cooke f/4.5, 4 slides, F.P. adapter. Q A • 1 Fair conaition . X4x*A#«U' 3] x 2,] Ensign Focal-plane Roll Film Reflex, f/4.5 Aldis-Butcher. Good condition. . £4:19:6 3] x 2] Kodak Auto. Graflex Junior Reflex, Cooke f/4.5, F.P. adapter, leather case. Good PC,1 fl*fl condition . *> • A U • V 17 TOPSFIELD PARADE OROUOH END) London, N.8 Any item sent on five days' approval against cash or C.O.D., or may be seen by appoint¬ ment at any of these addresses. Deferred terms on application. Generous exchange allowance. Leica Cameras and Accessories, recent 9.5-mm. and 16-mm. Cine Cameras and Projectors, Zeiss Binoculars, Astronomical Telescopes, Modern Microscopes,, bought for cash. DILLON D* a ITC H I S^7N LTD. 35, Brompton Rd., S.W.3. 2, Angel Court, E.C.2. (Stock Exchange.) 121, Cheapside, E.C.2. 140, Fenchurch St., E.C.3. 35, Ludgate Hill, F.C.4. 13, High St., Kensington, W.8. 65, High St., Notting Hill.Gate, 2, Northumberland Avertue, W.C.2. 191-2, Tottenham Court Rd., W.r. Holloway. — 66a, Seven Sisters Rd. Kingston. — 30-32, Thames St. Croydon. — 12, George St. Catford.— 62a, Rushey Green. Wattord. — 142, St. Albans Rd. Canterbury. — 38, High St. Cheltenham. — 114, Promenade. Salisbury. — 17-19, Catherine St. Liverpool. — 73, Lord St. Leeds. — 37, B md St. ESTD. 1750 32 PLEASE MENTION “ THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER ” WHEN CORRESPONDING WITH ADVERTISERS.