American cinematographer (Jan-Dec 1926)

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November, 1926 AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER Twenty-one "Monochromatic'1 is a word derived from the Greek words monos, sole, and chroma, color, that is to say: light of one color. Substances that readily permit the transmission of light are called transparent. Substances that do not permit the transmission of light, are called opaque. Perfectly transparent, as well as perfectly opaque bodies, do not exist. Consider, for instance, water as a highly transparent body. A sufficient quantity of water is quite impenetrable by light, and on the other end, if we reduce gold, the most ductile of opaque bodies, to a very thin leaf, we notice that it transmits green light. These facts are well in accord with the undulatory theory, which states, that ether exists between the molecules of all substances. Other substances such as ground glass, porcelain, etc., transmit light, but are not transparent in the common sense of the word, as one cannot see objects through them. These substances are called translucent and the phenomena is caused by the diffusion and scattering that light undergoes in the interior of these substances. Calling media the subtances that transmit light, we can readily understand, that the velocity of light within them, is regulated by their molecular composition. We can then conclude that "A ray of light travels in a straight line in a medium whose composition is equal in all its parts, but its velocity varies according to the density of the medium/' A ray of light, will then travel at its maximum velocity in the medium vacuo. Its velocity will be less in the medium air, still less in the medium glass, less yet in the medium diamond, which is the densest of all transparent media. l r^ . sr% r~\ r\ \ h \y J \ J W4 R Fig. 1. L equals Luminous point. R equals Receptive point. Straight line LR equals geomi •trical conception of ray. Curved line LR equals wave undulation. Direction . from left to right as pointed by arrozus. Supplied as $^A special equipment on DeVry and other M. P. Cameras 4 « « Since 1884. manufacturers of line View Cameras and Lenses. Write for complete catalogue of fine apparatus for the Still Studio. UNDLACH-MANHATTAN OPTICAL GO. 1 900 Clinton So., Rochester, N. Y. Subscribe to American Cin ematogr apher 4 in. Iris Combination and Sunshade Trueball Tripod Head FRED HOEFNER Cinema and Experimental Work 5319 Santa Monica Blvd. (rear) GLadstone 0243 Los Angeles, Calif. SCHEIBE'S PHOTO-FILTER SPECIALTIES Are now popular from coast to coast, and in some foreign countries. If my many varieties do not always fill the bill, tell me your wants and I will make them on special order. Always at Your Service GEO. H. SCHEIBE 1636 Lemoyne St. DUnkirk 4975 Los Angeles, Cal. FOR. R.ETMT BELL HOWELL AND AKELEY CAMERAS With or Without Cameramen SEIDEN CAMERA EXCHANGE 729 Seventh Ave. N.Y.c. Bryant 3 95 1 Wire us for any New York Scenes you may need Prices Reasonable CLUBBING OFFEB Subscribed for separately, Camera Craft, and the American Cinematographer will cost a total of $4.50 per year. As a special clubbing offer, both magazines may be had at a total price of $3.40 per year. American Cinematographer 1219-20-21-22 Guaranty Bldg. Hollywood, California