American cinematographer (Jan-Dec 1942)

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DEPENDABILITY...' EYEMO Tradition ANEWSREEL MAN'S camera must be thoroughly dependable in every sense of the word. Dependable mechanically . . . always ready for service. Dependable as to picture quality, whether working conditions are good or b^d. Dependable in its versatility . . . instantly ready to take on any type of assignment. Because they have met these and other important requirements for 17 years, Eyemos today are the choice of most newsreel cameramen at the vital news fronts. And on other 3 5mm. jobs, too, Eyemo dependability means outstanding pictures. Eyemos are now made in seven models, one of which will meet your needs ideally. All are sold only direct from Bell & Howell to you. So, whether you are considering a new camera or stepping up the versatility of your present Eyemo, write or visit the nearest B&H office. Bell & Howell Company, Chicago; New York; Hollywood; Washington, D. C; London. EUahliihed 1907. Through the vieufinden oj his Eyemos, Ariel Varges, veteran Metrotone Newsreel cameraman, has seen and recorded uorld history Jor many years. Mr. Varges is shown here with a modern Eyemo Model P, from whicfj the electric motor and external magazine have been removed to fit the camera for hand operation. M EYEMO MODELS L AND M These models have the compact type of three-lens turret. Viewfinder is matched to six lens focal lengths by turning a drum; shows "sound" field to match camera's "sound" aperture plate. Operating speeds: Model L — 4 to 32 frames per second; Model M — 8 to 48. EYEMO MODELS P AND Q i^ Most complete of the seven standard models. Have three-arm offset turret, prismatic focuser with magnifier, and provisions for electric motor and external film magazines. Speeds: Model P — 4, 8, 1 2, 1 6, 24, and 32 f.p.s.; Model Q— 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, and 48 f.p.s. ft^^lyp' EYEMO ACCESSORIES include: carrying cases — eacli especially designed for certain Eyemo models and the accessories commonly used with them; Eyemo Heavy-duty Tripod — smooth-acting, light yet sturdy and stea^iiy; Alignment Gat/ge — permits parallax compensation with prismatic focuser models; lenses; filters; exposure meters; editing equipment; many others. Descriptive literature gladly supplied upon request. Send Coupon for Complete Information ' BELL & HOWELL COMPANY 1848 Larchmont Ave., Chicago, 111. | Please send complete details about: ( ) Eyemo 35mm. I Cameras; ( ) Accessories for Eyemos. Name Address ' Ci'y State AC-8-42 •MADE BY BELL HOWELL American Cinematographer August, 1942 339