American cinematographer (Jan-Oct 1925)

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Vol. 5 JANUARY, 1925 No. 10 American Cinematographer Foster Goss, Editor and Business Manager Board of Editors — Victor Milner, H. Lyman Broeninc, Karl Brown, Philip H. Whitman Contents Page American Cinematographer to Have Projection Depart ment as Regular Department of Each Issue . 4 Photographing "North of 36" — By Al Gilks, A. S. C. . . 5 Camera Review of Past Year . 7 In Camerafornia ....... . 8 Value of Modern Laboratory Equipment Is Stressed . 9 The Editors' Lens 10 Markings on Film from Drops of Water — By J. I. Crabtree and G. E. Matthews .... . 12 A. S C. Roster NEXT MONTH <J HERFORD TYNES COWLING, A. S. C, will report on z/iotion picture production conditions in China and the Far East as he found them through first-hand study in his recent "cinematographic" trip around the world. ^ BERT GLENN ON , A. S. C, will write on what the cinematographer expects in the way of progress in lenses. — and there will be the new projection department and other features. An educational and instructive publication, espousing progress and art in motion picture photography. Published monthly by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CINEMATOGRAPHERS, Inc. Subscription terms: United States, $3.00 a year; Canada, $3.50 a year; foreign, $4.00 a year; single copies 25 cents. Advertising rates on application. 1219-20-21-22 Guaranty Building, Hollywood, California Telephone, GRanitc 4274 (Copyright, 1925, by the American Society of Ci/iematographers , Inc.)