The American cinematographer (Jan-Dec 1931)

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December, 1931 AMERICAN CINEMATOCRAPHER Forty-one DeSart Joins General Sound ALBERT W. DeSart, formerly head of the sound department at the Paramount Studios, Hollywood, the sound department which won the Academy award for best sound reproduction of the past year, has now joined the General Sound Corporation of Hollywood, as Director of Sound. Mr. DeSart has had many years of experience in sound and radio, having been a government radio inspector when the radio was in its infancy. At one time he was district superintendent of the Northern District for the Marconi Company. In commenting upon his connection with General Sound he says: "Independents will have to give more consideration to recording procedures — It is impossible to get good results with improper acoustical conditions. Improper recording is very costly and 'quickies' today are made so fast that competence and experience are very necessary.'' ♦ Light Intensity Measured By New Camera Invention DEVELOPMENT of a new motion picture camera device for measuring light intensities, enabling the cameraman to maintain all exposures no matter how varied may be the lighting conditions, to a constant negative density, has been announced by M. Lasky, inventor, and is being marketed by the Graphometer Corp. of New York. Light intensities of the device, which is small and compact and adaptable to Bell £r Howell or Mitchell cameras, are obtained by direct meter reading and with its use any desired light effect can be gauged before photographing with rapid accuracy. The photographic accuracy of the device, the inventor claims, makes it especially adaptable for color work. Vallen Curtain Control Has High and Low Speed ANEW CURTAIN control to be known as the Aero-Speed Control and said to have a curtain speed of 228 feet per minute and a slow speed of 40 feet per minute, as well as operating at any speed between these limits, has been brought out by the Vallen Electrical Co., Akron. By a simple change of two parts, it is declared a new speed can be obtained and the unit can be used for an entirely different purpose. With the use of this device, huge curtains can be operated by remote control from an electric push-button station which is installed in the most convenient location. The device is operated by a single push-button, is noiseless, compact and will not coast, the company declares. CARL ZEISS LENSES for Cinematographers Tessars F/2.7, F/3.5, F/4.5 Biota rs F, 1.4 Cinematographers throughout the world are using Zeiss Lenses because of the assurance of perfect definition and brilliancy. Whether for indoor or outdoor shots . . . with simple or elaborate settings . . . your Zeiss Lenses will give accurate and vivid results. No camera can be better than its lens. And Zeiss Lenses are as perfect as human hands can make them. CARL ZEISS, INC. 485 Fifth Avenue, New York 728 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, Calif. For Authentic Information Read the Annual! Order Your Annual NOW! 7/ CLEARING HCUSE Qawieravnen . . . rofesstonal and umaieur EVERYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC SOLD OR RENTED Send for our 1932 Bargain Catalogue or HOLLYWOOD CAMERA EXCHANGE, Ltd. 1511 North Cahuenga Boulevard, Hollywood, California Tels. HOIIywood 9431, GLadstone 2507