The American cinematographer (Jan-Dec 1948)

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At left, Ceorge Folsey, A. S. C., nominated for his Photographic Direction of “Creen Dolphin Street.” Cuy Creen is shown at his camera at right. Creen was cited for Direction of Photography of "Great Expectations.” achievements must be justly proud of their work. The international complexion of the Academy Award nominations is clearly shown by the nominations of two Britishmade productions: "Black Narcissus,” photographed in color by Jack Cardiff, A. S. C., and "Great Expectations,” with Guy Green as Director of Photography. Both were J. Arthur Rank features re¬ leased by Universal-International in the United States. Special Photographic Effects Finalists for outstanding photographic effects of 1947 include: Cecil B. De Mille’s "Unconquered” for Paramount (visual: Farciot Edouart, A. S. C.; Devereux Jennings, A. S. C.; Gor¬ don Jennings, A. S. C.; Wallace Kelley, A. S. C.; Paul Lerpae, A. S. C.; audible, George Dutton). Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s "Green Dolph¬ in Street:” (visual, Malcolm Brown, Ced¬ ric Gibbons, A. Arnold Gillespie, Donald Jahraus, Warren Newcombe; audible: Douglas Shearer). fa ■of : 1 \ ' 1 (Left), Harry Jackson, A. S. C., behind his Technicolor camera on the set for "Mother Wore Tights,” with Director Walter Lang seated with script in fore¬ ground. (Right), Jack Cardiff, A. S. C., under the hood of the Technicolor camera for a scene for “Black Narcissus.” American Cinematographer March, 1948 83