American cinematographer. (1954)

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Get SHARPER screen images . with Ansco Hypan Film Now you can increase the enjoyment of your films by using Ansco Hypan. Its ability to record fine detail and its brilliant projection characteristics make your screen images ever-so-much-sharper. Indoors or out, Ansco Hypan Film is a modern pan¬ chromatic film; it gives you new sparkle in your black and-white movies. Its inherently brilliant gradation coupled with a speed of 40 daylight and 32 tungsten makes it the perfect all ’round movie film. Ansco Hypan comes in both 8mm and 16mm rolls and magazines. Get some today and capture more of the scenes you and your family enjoy so much. « A 'XT C i ^ Binghamton, N. Y. „ A Division of General Aniline & Film Corporation. “ From Research to Reality.”