American cinematographer (Jan-Dec 1959)

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Classified Ads Continued From Preceding Page STUDIO & PRODUCTION EQUIP. 16MM HOUSTON-K-IA . . . developing machines. For reversal or positive film. Complete with refriger¬ ator units, temp, controls, condensors, etc. BRANDNEW, prices reduced. Also all STAINLESS STEEL model A-llB. Neumade film washer, 35mm EYEMO cameras, spider turrets, large selection of Eyemo lenses, 35mm x 1000 film. AIR PHOTO SUPPLY, Dept. C-1, 355 East Tremont Ave., New York 57, New York. PROCESS PROJECTION EQUIPMENT PRECISION REGISTRATION — USED MITCHELL OR CUSTOM BLIMPED TYPE ON PORTABLE CASTER BASES. COMPLETE WITH SCREENS, INTERLOCKED DISTRIBUTORS, CABLES, INTERCOMS, LENSES, ETC. FULL INFORMATION. PHOTOS AND PRICES ON RE¬ QUEST. BOX 1340, AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER. MAGNASYNC 602-C recorder, $850.00, B&H Model 285 projector with synchronous motor, $450.00. Concerton 1401 recorder, $140.00, records — Paxton, F.D.H. & Chappel, Hickock tube checker, misc. equip¬ ment, turntables, converter, etc. DONALD E. DUNN, 26246 Fairview Ave., Lomita, Calif. Tel. Dav. 6-4925— call— after 6 P.M. KODACHROME processing machine 16mm complete, submit sealed bid, by December 20th. CANADIAN SURPLUS SALES, 1250 East 25th, Vancouver, Canada. TR 4-0736. 5" BAUSCH & LOMB (1270mm) f/1 .9 Television lens. Best offer. Photos for $1.00. SANCENITO, Box 206, Passaic, New Jersey. 16mm MAGNETIC film recorder, U.S. and Foreign power. D. DEVLIN, 747 Madison Ave., New York 21, N.Y. BRAND new 35mm Eyemo KM Movie camera, $495.00, special, $340.00. New discontinued Pathe, $275.00. KAILBOURN'S, 52-'A Main Wellsville, N.Y. MUST sell unused latest Arriflex 16, matte box, 3 lenses, case, $1800.00. 2 magazines, motor, case, $400.00. Fluid head, $75.00. JOHN TYLER, 603 Alta Ave., Santa Monica, Calif. EX 5-8826. CAMERA MOTORS for B&H Eyemo, 4-6 volt DC (Bodinel, with cord and switch, used, $24.50, new $35.00 each. Cash with Order, please. JACK WAL¬ TON, P.O. Box 1457, Tampa, Fla. REVOLUTIONARY new pan and tilt tripod head for professional movie camera. 20 years in the produc¬ tion stage. Watch for future ad in American Cine¬ matographer. Details free. KAILBOURN'S, 52-V2 Main, Wellsville, N.Y. FILM PROCESSING MACHINERY Rebuilt trade-ins, demonstrators, etc. Black-andwhite and color. All makes. Low prices. Send for lists. FILMLINE CORPORATION, Ema Street, Milford, Conn. BE READY and prepared for wide angle TV screen. 3-35mm anamorphic lenses, one each 50mm, 75mm, 100mm for sale or rent. Block lenses fit directly in lens mount of Mitchell BNC. Box 1360, AMERI¬ CAN CINEMATOGRAPHER. AURICON 600' — 1200' conversion. Sr No. 1010 model CM-75TVT, Tr. S. Complete with amplifier 600' and 1200' magazines, built in finder system and critical focuser. Auricon tripod. Excellent. P.O. Box 2384, Sarasota, Florida. CINE Special Series T. Perfect. 1" lens. $400.00. Write Box 1250, AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER. WANTED YE OLDE TRADING POST DOING BUSINESS 34 YEARS BUYS — SWAPS — SELLS YOUR Cameras, Dollies. Lenses, Lights, Moviolas, Printers, Recorders, Laboratory Equipment. CONSIGNMENTS TAKEN SET YOUR OWN PRICESHIP IT IN OUR PERCENTAGE IS SMALL WIRE US— WUX New York, Phone PL 7-0440 S.O.S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORPORATION Dept, fc Cable; SOSOUND 602 W. 52nd Street New York 19, N. Y. Western Branch— 6331 Hollywodo Blvd. Hollywood, Calif., Phone HO 7-2124 WANTED WHY SACRIFICE your production and struggle with old or used equipment when we can trade for cash or new equipment. Let us know what you have and what you need. THE CAMERA MART, INC. 1845 Broadway.. PLaza 7-6977.. New York 23, N.Y. WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH 16MM AND 35MM CAMERAS AND ACCESSORIES MITCHELL— BELL & HOWELL STANDARD AND EYEMO— ARRIFLEX— MAURER— ALSO LABORATORY AND EDITING EQUIPMENT CAMERA EQUIPMENT CO. INC., 315 West 43rd St. NEW YORK 36, N.Y. CABLE— CINEQUIP TRY F&B LAST FOR THE HIGHEST QUOTE ON USED MOVIE EQUIPMENT FLORMAN & BABB 68 W. 45th ST., N. Y. 36, N. Y. Mitchell — Akeley — B&H — Wall — Eyemo Cameras — Lenses — Equipment NATIONAL CINE EQUIPMENT, INC. 209 West 48th St. New York, N.Y. SERVICES AVAILABLE ALL EUROPE, AFRICA, MIDDLE-EAST, 16-35 cover¬ age. Dutch cinematographer — photo journalist. Hq. in Paris. Acer, to Nato U.S. Dept of Commerce, USIA, etc. Also available as ASSISTANT DIRECTOR. Fluent French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian. Call Paris Opera 73-15, Galvani 12-56 or Washinglon, D.C. Metropolitan 8-2526. Write, cable EDDY VAN DER VEEN, 10, Rue Roger Bacon, Paris, 17. CUBA AND MIAMI, FLORIDA May I supply YOU with 16mm film according to your needs? Stringer basis. LOTHAR G. GRAFF 5505 NW 6 Place Miami, Florida MOTION PICTURE CAMERAMAN now employed photographing news and commercial footage. Seeks relocation, have own motion picture cameras, etc. In present position over five years. Box 1361, AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER. 16MM MOTION PICTURE PRODUCTION Film Editing — Sound Recording— Sync-Sound Effects — Industrial — Advertising Educational — Travel Sound Stage Available HARRY MERRICK STUDIO 1901 West Anaheim St., Long Beach 13, Calif. HEmlock 6-3291. DUTCH FILM PRODUCER offers all possible help in Europe. No language troubles. International trained technicians available. We solve all YOUR problems. Write or wire; WALTER DE VRIES, Lepelstratt 20-C AMSTERDAM, Holland. Telephone 57807. ANIMATION produced in Japan from your story¬ boards. Low Japanese rates. Send us a trial order. INTERLINGUAL INTERNATIONAL INC., Harada Bldg., 2-1 Hirakawacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan. FILM ASSIGNMENTS New York, Boston area. Scenic, stock shots, industrial, featurettes creatively filmed to your specifications. ACORN FILMS, 168 W. 46th St., N. Y. C. Judson 6-2272. CENTRAL AFRICAN coverage. GEOFFREY MAGNIN, Telefilms, Box 8252, Salisbury, Rhodesia. LABORATORY & SOUND ROCKY MOUNTAIN 16MM HEADQUARTERS 16mm Black & White and Anscochrome — Processing — Printing — Recording — Editing — Production — Rental — Sales. All types of film in stock. Write for Price List WESTERN CINE SERVICE, INC. 114 E. 8th Ave., Denver 3, Colorado. AMherst 6-3061 SOUND RECORDING at a reasonable cost. High Fidelity 16 or 35. Quality guaranteed. Complete studio and laboratory services. Color printing and lacquer coating. ESCAR MOTION PICTURE SERVICE, INC., 7315 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland 3, Ohio. Phone ENdicott 1-2707. 16MM MAGNETIC SOUND STRIPING Originals — Prints — Raw. Full, half or edge tracks, .025 per foot, including balance stripe if specified. 24 hour service. P-J FILM PRODUaiONS, Box 2655 Colorado Springs, Colorado PHOTOGRAPHIC ASSIGNMENTS Continued From Page 702 ‘The Alaskans”* with Roger Moore and Dorothy Provine. H-vrold Stine, ASC, Floyd Crosby, ASC, Warren Lynch, Roger Shearman, “Mav¬ erick”* with James Garner. Edwin DuPar, ASC, Carl Berger, ASC, Jack MacKenzie, ASC, “Hawaiian Eye”* with Anthony Eisley. Ralph Woolsey, ASC, Ellis Carter, ASC, “Bourbon Street Beat”* with Richard Long and Andrew Duggan. Ray Fernstrom, ASC, Ellis Carter, ASC, Warren Lynch, “Lawman”* with John Russell. Jack MacKenzie, ASC, Ray Fernstrom, ASC, Harold Stine, ASC, Burt Glennon, “77 Sunset Strip”* with Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. Ellis Carter, ASC, Wesley Anderson, “Colt 45”* with Wayde Preston. Jack MacKenzie, ASC, Ted McCord, ASC, “Sugarfoot”* with Will Hutchins. Rex Wimpy, ASC, Ray Fernstrom, ASC, Warren Lynch, ‘Bronco”* with Ty Hardin. Mark Davis, ASC, Commercials*. STATEMENT REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF AUGUST 24, 1912, AS AMENDED BY THE ACTS OF MARCH 3, 1933, AND JULY 2, 1946 (Title 39, United States Code, Section 233) SHOWING THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, AND CIRCULATION OF AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER published monthly at Los Angeles, California for October 1, 1959. 1 . The names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are; Publisher, A.S.C. Agency, Inc., 1782 N. Orange Drive, Hollywood 28, Calif., Editor, Arthur E. Gavin, 1782 N. Orange Drive, Hollywood 28, Calif.; Man¬ aging editor, Arthur E. Gavin, 1782 N. Orange Drive, Hollywood 28, Calif. 2. The owner is; (If owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also im¬ mediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of stock. If not owned by a corpo¬ ration, the names and addresses of the individual owners must be given. If owned by a partnership or other unincorporated firms, its name and address, as well as that of each individual member, must be given.) A.S.C. Agency, Inc. 1782 North Orange Drive, Hollywood 28, Calif., wholly owned by the American Society of Cinematographers, Inc., a non¬ profit corporation whose address is 1782 N. Orange Dr., Hollywood 28, Calif. Officers of the American Society of Cinematographers, Inc., are: President, Walter Strenge, 1782 N. Orange Dr., Hollywood, Calif.; 1st Vice President, Lee Garmes, 1782 N. Orange Dr., Hollywood, Calif.; 2nd Vice President, Hal Mohr, 1782 N. Orange Dr., Hollywood, Calif.; 3rd Vice President, George Folsey, 1782 N. Orange Dr., Hollywood, Calif.; Treasurer, Arthur Miller, 1782 N. Orange Dr., Hollywood, Calif.; Secretary, Chas. G. Clarke, 1782 N. Orange Dr., Hollywood, Calif.; Sergeant-at-Arms, Robert de Grasse, 1782 N. Orange Dr., Hollywood, Calif. 3. The known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent or more to total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are; (If there are none, so state.) None. 4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 include, in cases where the stockholders or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corpo¬ ration for whom such trustee is acting; also the statements in the two paragraphs show the affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner. 5. The average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the 12 months preceding the date shown above was: (This information is required from daily, weekly, semiweekly, and triweekly newspapers only.) ARTHUR E. GAVIN, Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12th day of October, 1959. (Seal) Marion M. Hutchins Notary Public in and for said County. (My commission expires December 23, 1962.) 704 AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER