American cinematographer (Jan-Dec 1961)

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© © ® . . . -,5 lip ffgjg ; I ' ppp editorial services art & animation I music sound recording screening color developing black-and-white developing color printing black-and-white printing edge-numbering print cleaning magnetic striping i;, ■ ' . 11 I surprised ? to find everything you need to complete your film in one convenient location, under one roof? That includes Byron’s famed WESTREX SOUND FACILITIES . . . there is no better sound ! see for yourself... or write, phone or wire for information and quotations on any and all producer services. byrom / motion pictures 1226 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., Washington 7, D.C., FEderal 34000 Affiliated with MECCA FILM LABORATORIES CORP.. 630 Ninth Avenue, New York 36, N.Y.