American cinematographer (Jan-Dec 1963)

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BLUE RIBBON SPECIAL! BOWLDS ANIMATION STAND and CAMERA BOWLDS model D animation stand complete with compound table with NSEW movement, 2-12" field plat¬ ens, 2-14" field platens, Acme anima¬ tion camera, 35mm, with motor, lens, two 400' Mitchell magazines with bi¬ pack adapter, lights, pantograph, auxiliary peg movement, exception¬ ally fine condition, value over $12,000. Special Offer . $6,495.00 DEBRIE Super Parvo 35mm blimped studio camera, 220v 3 phase motor, 6 Kinoptik lenses, finder, mags, tri¬ pod, cases, 220/110 volt reverter and voltage regulator, value over $7,000. Special . $3,495,00 TOBIS SCHLECTA 35mm Studio camera, 220v motor, 3-400' mags, prismatic rackover, 28, 50, 100mm lenses, value over $2,000. Specially offered at . $395.00 ARRIFLEX 35mm blimp with syn¬ chronous motor, value over $2,300 used, exceptionally fine condition, special . $1,650.00 EYEMO model K camera, 2" F2.8 lens in focusing mount, drum finder, excellent . $175.00 AURICON blimp complete with syn¬ chronous motor for Cine Special camera, excellent, was $495. Special¬ ly offered at . $295.00 BERNDT MAURER professional camera, 2-400' mags, finder, sun¬ shade, registration pin movement prismatic rackover, excellent, value over $3,000. Special . $995.00 CINE VOICE sound camera, 100' capacity, turret, variable area galvo, amplifier, mike, headset, cables, bat¬ teries, case, excellent, value $1,250. Special . $725.00 B&H Filmo hi-speed 128 fps spring wind camera w/1" fl.8 lens, excel¬ lent . $195.00 SPECTRA three color temperature meter complete w/case and set of 2x2 filters, value over $400. Special $195.00 MITCHELL 1000' x 35mm maga¬ zines, new, value $190.00, special $110.00 All prices fob. New York SEE PAGE 202 FOR FREE GIFT OFFER WHAT’S NEW ConlViued from Page 198 features large, easy-to-read numbers set in three different colors. The watch is shock proof, water resistant, dust resistant, anti magnetic, self compen¬ sating and has an unbreakable main¬ spring. It is offered by Birns & Sawyer Cine Equipment, 6424 Santa Monica Boulevard, Hollywood 38, California. Two models are available, a deluxe Studio model at $24.95 and a Filmeter model at $15.95. Both come complete with a generous, braided lanyard and carry a one-year guarantee. Reversal Processor The Filmline Corp., Milford, Con¬ necticut announces a new high speed film processor. Designed to meet the exacting requirements of the him in¬ dustry, the new model R-15 can de¬ velop reversal or neg-pos him at 1200 feet per hour. Among its many exclu¬ sive features are the Filmline overdrive system, which eliminates him breakage, automatically compensates for him elongation and keeps tank footage con¬ stant. A variable-speed drive allows control of development times from ll/> to 12 minutes. A feed-in elevator and 1200' magazine permits continuous processing. All tanks are stainless steel. The R-15 has an air squegee, recircula¬ tion fittings, air agitation tube, lower roller guards and forced hltered warm air drybox. Easy-to-operate by un¬ skilled personnel in daylight — no dark¬ room needed. Additional features include: double capacity spray wash, uniform tank sizes, cantilever construction, self con¬ trolled plumbing, ball-bearing gear box, oilless air compressors, dry box and developer thermometers. Size 77" x 60" x 30". Weight approx. 650 lbs. Priced at $4750 complete. (Including Temperature Control System, Bottom drains and valves, developer recircula¬ tion and air compressor.) Inspection Projector Hollywood Film Company, 956 No. Seward St., Hollywood 38, Calif., announces a new, high-speed inspec¬ tion projector for use by him labor¬ atories to inspect release prints before they leave the lab. The projector is available in either 16mm or 35mm models and is mounted on a modern designed base which allows the oper¬ ator to easily and quickly make height adjustments. The 16mm machine runs at 144 feet per minute which is four times normal speed. Two picture frames are viewed simultaneously together with the per¬ foration and sound track areas. The 35mm machine runs at 165 feet per minute and can be speeded up by the mere change of pulleys. This unit views one frame at a time. 16mm Bench Editor Direct front-projection 16mm editing by means of a small bench or table mounted unit has been announced by S.O.S. Photo-Cine-Optics, Inc., 602 W. 52nd St., New York 19, N. Y. The device, measuring 7x6x7 inches, is de¬ signed to project a steady image for viewing by a number of persons simul¬ taneously. Called the S.O.S. Projectola, it consists of a four-element projection lens with the front objective 40mm in diameter, a rotating 8-sided prism, and surface mirror, all of which are dustproof encased. Cleaning of optics is done through a high-speed locking de¬ vice at the film gate. Film guiding elements have grooves for the picture and sound track to pro¬ tect the film and insure uniformly sharp pictures with forward, reverse or still projection. The gate maintains focus. An AC transformer for 110/240 volts feeds a 25-watt, 6V lamp, which is adjustable from outside. ■ 200 AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER. APRIL, 1963