American cinematographer (Jan-Dec 1963)

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at work From missiles to microbes * A R R I F L E X8 goes hunting with the Missouri H Conservation Commission Filming & hawk's swift plunge calls for sharp followfoe us and accurate centering of the viewfinder image. That’s one reason biologist Charles W. Schw&rtz uses an Arriflex, in his motion picture studies of birds and animals for the Missouri Con¬ servation Commission. The finder image is formed by the taking lens itself . . . parallax-free. framed and focused exactly the way it’s being filmed. Another reason . . . wideangles and telephotos can be mounted side-by-side on the Arriflex turret, which diverges lens axes a full 21° to eliminate optical and mechanical inter¬ ference. Arriflex . . . extremely mobile, fast-handling, and precise . . . best in the field ! ARRIFLEX covers every angle in upside-down film! The adaptable Arriflex is no stranger to unusual assignments . and photographing an automobile being driven into a service station upside down was one of them! This strange procedure was required for "Look at It This Way," an industrial film produced by Video Films, Oetroit, for The Walker Marketing Corporation of Racine. Wisconsin. Employing a variety of "magical” effects, the presentation called for a trained magi¬ cian in the lead role. Aimed at increasing muffler sales to mechanicallyminded audiences, the picture was developed through honest ingenuity — rather than relying on obvious optical effects and other trick shots Director Paul Lohman relied heavily on Arriflex’s famed versatility in the production of this unusual film. The specially-built car was often inverted, riding on three concealed wheels in the roof. When the script called for the car to be right side up and Ihe scene itself reversed, the Arriflex mirror reflex viewfinder proved invaluable in framing the scene. Its light weight and compact design permitted fastening the camera to a hi -hat and pan -head mounted at right angles to the tripod head, for 180° revolution on the lens axis. And all through a prolonged schedule confronted by taxing situations, Arriflex completed this unusually complex film without a hitch! Topsy-turvy or right side up — hand held, rigidly clamped or rotating in all directions — Arriflex made "magic" with its usual stellar performance — In studio or on location, it will do the same for you! Key projects at Western Electric’s Princeton Research Center are transposed from color slides to motion pic¬ tures, through the use of this bench-top “studio,” designed by John Carnevale, head of the Center’s photo¬ graphic team. The slides are filmed with an Arri¬ flex 16, driven by an animation motor. Various optical effects are achieved with standard lenses and extension tubes. Creative use of the Arriflex’ functional advantages produces highly profes¬ sional results with a minimum budget . . . and virtually no outside services. Precise focus and hairline framing are easier with an Arriflex than with most other cameras. The cameraman sees a viewfinder image that is identical to the filmed image . . . identically focused, identically framed. This worldfamous mirror-reflex finder simplifies animation photography . . . time-lapse, stop-motion, extremeclose-up action, and zoom techniques as well. Five seasons of filming football game* with an Arriflex 16, with never a lost play due to mechanical malfunction, is the proud report of Wally Barrus, official cameraman for Brigham Young University. Provo. Utah Selected to eliminate the fail¬ ings of previous equipment. Arriflex has lived up to its reputation for performance and dependability In filming sports events particularly there is no chance for retaking footage lost through mechanical failures or cumbersome equipment "in this respect" Barrus says, "Arriflex is a joy'" Lightweight, portable and engineered for one-man operation, it helps the photographer "stay on top” of every play The reflex view-finder permits fast through the-lens composition and makes follow-focus easy no -divergence permits side by v-Ot mountmg o» tong and short LmtM — switcr from telephoto to angle without mechanical or optical interference So satisfactory did the Anifie* prove 'tseif, both on campus and away that the University acquired two more fo» its Motion Picture Uepartmer* and to record other cohegiete activities Summing up the general reaction. Cameraman Barrus states “In my opmen. Arrrfle* is the best itmm camera available today ‘ Whatever your need — m industry, science or ente* tainment — filming sports or satellites, you will come to the same conclusion ARRIFLEX special assignment at Western Electric ARRIFLEX matter how oecapt m Arriflex's rectus i-iens turret saves f scores in every game at Brigham Young U. ARRIFLEX MOTION PICTURE CAMERAS ARE THE DOMI¬ NANT CHOICE OF CINEMATOGRAPHERS ALL OVER THE WORLD. LIGHTWEIGHT, RUGGED, SPECTACULARLY VER¬ SATILE, ARRIFLEX CAMERAS ARE UNIQUELY SUITED TO A RANGE OF APPLICATIONS VIRTUALLY WITHOUT LIMIT. THESE ILLUSTRATIONS DEMONSTRATE JUST A FEW. ARRIFLEX CAN HELP SOLVE YOUR FILMING PROBLEMS WITH EQUAL FACILITY AND ECONOMY. I a * pioneering step toward global communication was made by Bell scientists! An actual picture was transmitted from the Ben Telephone Laboratories tracking statw m Hoimdei. New Jersey— to the Echo I satellite in space— to the Jodreli Bank antenna in Manchester England The A/rifle* 16 was actually mounted on the frame of the radar dish A cross-hair reticle super-imposed on the satellite picture verified the accuracy of radar positioning • Arriflex is proud to have contributed to these advanced experiments in world communication In Project Echo (involving a man-made satellite) and m the Moonbounce tests with a natural sky mirror"— co-axially mounted Arriflex cameras dramatically documented correla¬ tion ot radar tracking, compilation of atimuth and elevation ot the radar dish, satellite position, and the elapsed time of the tracking period • Why Arriflex7 Because of its precise registration-pin movement, advanced mirror reflex shutter system, and extreme versatility— and because all this is packaged in the most compactly designed professional camera As always, Arriflex has done the job better, faster, more economically On location, in the plant, in the laboratory, or in Ihe studio — it can do yie same for you1 ARRIFLEX tracks satellites for Bell Laboratories The North American Philips Co., pioneers in advanced X-ray tech¬ niques, selected the Arriflex as the ideal motion picture camera to be used with their electronic Image Intensifier. Illustration shows the Philips Ringstand with Arriflex 35 at Union Hospital, Fall River, Mass. (Dr. Jack Spencer, Chief of Radiology.) The Arriflex is changes as they actually take place. the motion picture film allows prolonged and repeated radiological observation by individuals or groups, without exposing either the patient or technicians to excessive radiationThe standard Arriflex— 35mm or 16mm— with only minor Philips Image Intensifier ARRIFLEX serves medicine in Cineradiography with mounted on the Image Distributor of the Image Intensifier, which permits filming of a fluoroscopic image of internal functions and moving organs at reduced X-ray intensity. It is operated from a Cine Control Unit behind a protective glass panel. Recording progressive stages of physiological it is for the many others for which it has gained ame . . . in such divergent fields as “missiles to microbes. Com¬ pact, reliable, versatile and maneuverable, Arriflex delivers top performance in mastering every studio or scientific ro e . . . It will do the same for you! 0 FREO KF7ER OeMl. CHIEF OF IHE CRVS’H GROWTH SECTION BASIC RESEARCH GROUP ANO SiONEn FEi OMAN, MOTION P-CTURE SPECiAi-ST SET UP ARRiFUl It WITH 90MM MACRO KHAR ANO LONG EXTENSION TUBES FOR TIME LAPSE MONITORING OF CRVSTAl GROWTH ARRIFLEX monitors crystal growth studies tor U. S. Army Engineers Crystal growth studies, like all scientific endeavors at the U.S. Army Mobility Command's Engineer Research and Devel opment Laboratories, Fort Belvoir, Va.. have as their ultimate object, better equipment and military techniques to meet the demands of modern warfare These studies, carried out under controlled conditions, are vital to the basic research being conducted by the Laborator les on metastable substances. The Arriflex camera has proved an essential tool in these investigations, performing the 24-hour a day, long-term mom toring that would otherwise require the services of a highlytrained technician. Due to its flexibility, the Arriflex can be programmed to catch by time-lapse photography any phase of change in crystal growth, or other phenomena in addition to growth rates^ other parameters of specimens can be determined These include density changes in the vicinity of the crystals, density changes of the solution in the vicinity of the crystals, gas evolution rates, and tempera¬ ture gradients. The camera monitoring of all these facets is not only safer but more accurate than human operation Arritlex's famed reliability and ready adaptability to any lab¬ oratory, studio or location assignment, "From the microscope to the missile range,” make it the favorite of professional photographers It can help solve your filming problems, too. Arriflex is proud to have contributed to the official recording ot Col. John Glenn's epic spaceflight m Friendship 7. Strategic placement of 12 Arriflex 16mm cameras, with a battery of lenses, helped co-ordinate tracking and filming of the event in Cape Canaveral, Bermuda, Nigeria. Australia, Hawaii, Mexico. California, Texas and aboard the Aircraft ARRIFLEX records history in filming “FRIENDSHIP 7’s” orbital flight Carrier Randolph in the Atlantic “From Missiles to Microbes" Arriflex 16mm and 35mm motion picture cameras are sharing in today's most sophisticated ventures into the frontiers of science and industry. In research and development, in the studio or on loca tion Amflex motion picture cameras do the job better, faster and more economically. rent “Arriflex at work” ad series appearing in selected industry publications. If you have an interesting application, please write.