American cinematographer (Jan-Dec 1963)

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Engineer with 10,000 Eyes b <9> <& <3> <St & ^ <» <s» <g> <»<£>*» <§, b <** <-f* <*> <»Jr .Ml, «S» <S> <8 K> •' » <•** <«» <§ , 3k<^. <T» <t & .«s> «»» <*» <% <s b. <t> <s> <s> ■'mb,' <s t> ^ <** ill <*> <i b ^3b <1^ t*<S> b<S> &<Sb b <»* a ob < w 4 <*» <a WADDELL NOVA III 16mm HIGH SPEED CAMERA New features include simplified Timing Block and Film Chip Reducer, It would take an engineer with 10,000 eyes to solve these problems: A heavy paper machine malfunctions. In a trice it fills the room with an ocean of paper. Problem: Detect the fatigue and fracture within the structure of the machine. 0An automatic printing and die cutting machine picks up bad registrations, with resultant loss in material and man hours. Problem: Find the cause. a Chemical fluids forced under high pressure into nozzles suddenly take off in erratic directions. Problem: Check the pattern and correct direction. 0 A manufacturer wants visual proof of the loft and direction of his golf ball. Flow can he get it? A missile manufacturer is faced with mal¬ function in the operation of a transonic sled driven by rockets. Another needs to check on the static firing of missiles. An aircraft man¬ ufacturer has problems incident to the take¬ off and landing of his planes. If you are an engineer with a normal comple¬ ment of just two eyes, you can solve these problems by the process of elimination, which often takes weeks and months, at a staggering cost in man hours. Or . . . you can buy a new NVaudcli. 16mni High Speed Photo-Instrumentation Camera. Op¬ erating on a rotating prism as the means of optical compensation, the Waddell travels at a far greater velocity than normal intermittent cameras — at 10,000 frames per second. The at¬ tachment of an 8mm prism gives you 20,000 frames per second. Baffling engineering problems that take weeks or months to unravel, are solved in minutes by the Waddell camera. The developed film gives you the evidence you’re looking for. The Waddell has these unique features: Twin timing lights readily accessible for replace¬ ment without dismantling the camera. Film chip reducer. Timing lights can be used individually or collectively with no internal wiring changes. Provides three fixed apertures — Full, Half and Slit. Both 14 x 20 and % x 16 mounting threads on bottom of camera. Bore sight furnished. Improved positive locking lens mount. Six months unconditional guarantee on parts, labor and service. Would you like to see the WADDELL demon¬ strated right in your plant? Write or telephone our Lou Girola. There’s no obligation. CAMERA EQUIPMENT CO., INC. Subsidiary of CEC0 Industries NEW YORK. N Y. 315 West 43rd St. • JU 61420 HIALEAH. ELORIOA 51 East 10th Ave • TU 8-4504 HOLLYWOOD. CALIFORNIA fcSIO Santa Monica Blvd. • HO 9-8321 WHAT’S NEW IN EQUIPMENT, ACCESSORIES, SERVICES Portable Processor Gordon Enterprises, Inc., 5362 N. Cahuenga Blvd., No. Hollywood, Calif., announces it is distributing theMaurerMatic portable film processor, with models available for 16mm and 35mm film, or 35mm and 70mm film. The processor employs a monobath solu¬ tion for developing and fixing and it will handle most commercially-available negative and positive films. Other features include constant re-circulation and, filtration, fully temperature con¬ trolled. Speed of negative processing is 15 feet per minute. Tripod Quick-Release Tri-Lock Corp., Whittier, Calif., an¬ nounces a heavy-duty quick-release en¬ abling quick mounting and de-mount¬ ing of camera from tripod. The chrome-plated die-cast device is in two parts: one attached to tripod, the other to camera and are joined securely to¬ gether on contact. A quick-release lever permits quick removal of camera from tripod. Fits all still and cine cameras. List price is $9.95 at photo dealers. Brochure is available. New Zoom Lens A new viewfinder model of the fa¬ mous Angenieux 10 X 12, 12-120mm, F/2.2 zoom lens is announced by Zoomar International, Inc. of Glen Cove, New York. New lens enables the opera¬ tor to focus and view directly through lens at all times and can be adapted to most 16mm standard “C” mount cam¬ eras. A four-to-one ratio crank for slow, smooth zooming is provided along with a zoom handle for fast zooming opera¬ tions. Viewfinder can be rotated through 180° to allow camera door to be opened for threading. Lens is 8y2' long in folded position, weighs approximately 2y2 pounds. List price is $860.00 to $895. 00, depending on type of camera. 8mm and 35mm Synchronizers Precision Laboratories, 928 East 51st St., Brooklyn, N.Y., announce addition of two new film synchronizers to com¬ pany’s line of film editing equipment. The Model S616 is a single-gang “Unit¬ ized" 8mm Synchronizer. Complete with footage counter, it is priced at $120.00. Also available for this unit is a 16mm sprocket assembly and gearbox having a differential ratio of 2-to-l. Model S635-2AO is for 35mm film Continued on Page 696 694 AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER, DECEMBER, 1963