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American cinematographer (May 1930)

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' May, 1930 American Cinematographer Three AMERICAN ^ CINEMATOGRAPHER A technical and educational publication, espousing progress and art in motion picture photography. Suite 1222 Guaranty Bldg. _ _ . _ Holls^ood, California JOHN F. SEITZ, HAL HALL, JOSEPH A. DUBRAY, President, A. S. C. Editor in Chief and General Manager, A. S. G. Technical Editor, A. S. C. BOARD OF EDITORS—John W. Boyle, William Stull and Herford Tynes Cowling voi. XI CONTENTS no. i Page Putting Industry in the Movies, by R. H. Ray 9 Hal Mohr, New Head of A, S. C 10 Technic of Recording Control for Sound Pictures, by J. P. Maxfield 1 1 Voice Test, by William Stull 13 A, S. C. Member First Man to Photograph Famous Shadow Bands 15 As THE Editor Sees It 16 Sound Printing Attachment for B. 8 H. Continuous Printer, by Joseph A. Dubray 19 Amateur Movie Making, by William Stull 28 New Exposure Meter Introduced by Bell and Howell 31 On With The Dance, by Hal Hall 32 FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES Georges Benoit, c-o Louis Verande, 12 rue d’Aguessau Paris, 8e John Dored, Paramount News, Paramount Building, 1 Rue Meyerbeer, Paris IXe, France. Herford Tynes Cowling, Eastman Kodak Go., Rochester, New York, Eastern Representative. Harold Sintzenich, Eastman Kodak Co., Bombay, India. Published Monthly by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CINEMATOGRAPHERS, INC., Hollywood, Calif. Established 1918. Advertising Rates on Application. Subscription: United States, $3.00 a year; Canada, $3.50 a year; Foreign, $4.00 a year; single copies 25c. Telephone GRanite 4274. (Copyright, 1930, by the American Society of Cinematographers, Inc.)