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AMATEUR SECTION March 1933 • American Cinematographer 29 mpoMAm ■y as the Brakes on your Car!l Only VICTOR, however, has been ingenious enough to provide this unfailing protection at the four vital points in a projector .... including the patented device which automatically stops mechanism and cuts off light in all film emer- gencies. T WOULD BE SILLY to buy a car without brakes. To invest in a motion picture projector that has no provision for protecting film from damage is almost as ridiculous. Victors flutemutie Trip, the Phantom Watchman that is never offguard, makes it impossible Jor any ViCTQPi to damage film Mr. N. E. Brock, Brooklyn, N. Y., is one of many thousands who have learned the true value of such protection. He says: “I made a 300 foot film which turned out so well that we decided to have it duplicated at once .... but neglected to do so until after the film had been through our VICTOR over ISO times .... Thought it a bit foolish to order a duplicate after using the film so much, and it was with grave misgivings that we awaited projection of the duplicate. We were speechless with amazement and delight when perfectly clear, sharp pictures flashed on the screen. There is not a scratch or sign of wear of any \ind visible, and values are quite as good as in the original.” No VICTOR projector has ever broken, mangled, or otherwise mutilated a film; but Film Protection is only one of several exclusive features that VIC- TOR provides in addition to superior projection and distinctive beauty of design. SOLD BY BETTER DEALERS EVERYWHERE c Ask Tour Dealer to Demonstrate 'Write for Illustrated Literature Victor Animatograph Corp’N DAVENPORT, IOWA 242 W. 55th St., New York City 650 So. Grand, Los Angeles Equipments / 0