American cinematographer (Oct 1933)

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October 1933 • American Cinematographer 235 posure meter. There may be a few, but many of those who are right up in the top ranks of studio cinematographers have adopted the exposure meter as a part of their equipment. Amateur Moving Making in Europe (Continued from Page 223) In Germany the amateur is passing through a general reorganization, which is the consequence of the political revolu- tion in that country. In Berlin the Bund der Film-Amateure E. V. has done splen- did work hitherto and we are convinced that the leading men in the “Bund” will prove to be able to organize the enormous number of German amateurs, after the struggles for national reorganization have passed. Belgium seemingly has entered a period of non-activity after several years of great prosperity. The Union Beige des Cineastes Amateurs, Brussels is apparent- ly at a standstill, but we hope this stagna- tion is only temporary. In Hungary we have another full-active group of amateurs being organized in the Club of Hungarian Amateur Moviemakers. Budapest, whereas Spain, Portugal, Swit- zerland are countries with steadily im- proving conditions. We are going to re- port on each country separately, showing illustrations of league and club activities. Our next article will be specially dedi- cated to Holland and the Nederlandsche Smalfilmliga. Recording Sound on 16mm Film (Continued from Page 228) centering, etc. 16mm film with one set of perfora- tions is now available in all emulsions, in- cluding fine grain reversal, which permits the recording of higher frequencies than would otherwise be possible, inasmuch as the cutoff due to grain is about at 4600 cycles with ordinary films. We feel that 16mm will achieve new heights and that by it’s availability will reach fields never before motion picture minded, since the cost of producing pic- tures was far too great for them. We do not think that 16mm sound will ever encroach on those uses which are now served by 35mm film, but will be used for services such as the home, school, church, etc., which do not require the screen size and sound amplification pos- sible with 35mm film. Minneapolis Salon The Second Annual Minneapolis Salon of Photography will be held at the Min- neapolis Institute of Arts, Dec. 1 to 21. The closing date for entries will be Nov. 15 . VICTOR ANIMATOGRAPH CORP’N. DAVENPORT, IOWA, U. S. A. 242 W. 55fch St., New York City 650 So. Grand, Los Angeles , ICTOR craftsmen needed no Code protection. Already their skill commanded wage scales well above Blue Eagle speci- fications. Rapidly advancing material costs, however, may ultimately re- quire an upward adjustment of \ ICTOR prices. For the present they remain the same . . . representing greater values than ever. The time to select your VICTOR is now! Ask your dealer to demonstrate the new 5-Speed Model 3 . . . the most sensational of camera values. A more complete camera is the All-fea- ture Model 5 with Visual Focusing. Reverse Action . . . and many other improvements .... at only SI75.00. VICTOR Master Projectors . . . . at S123.50 up .... have many amazing features not to he had in any other equipment at any price. Visit your dealer today. ‘-?or Gxample the, 5-SPHD mODCL 3 CfllTI£Rfl at / — WORLD'S FINEST IB^mMOTION PICTURE EQUIPMENT 0