American cinematographer (Sept 1935)

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September 1935 • American Cinematographer 389 LOOKING BACK 10 YEARS • "Block Cyclone," directed by Fred W. Jockmon ond photogrophed by Floyd Jockmon, both A.S.C. members, hos token the critics by storm in its initiol exhibitions ot the Copitol Theotre, New York, ond ot the Riolto, Los Angeles. • Horry A. Fischbeck, A.S.C., is with Fomous Ployers-Losky ot the Poromount Long Islond studio, photogrophing D. W. Griffith's production of "Solly of the Sowdust." • Chorles Rosher, A.S.C., hos concluded the photogrophy on "Little Annie Roon- ey" ond is reody for preporotions on the next Mory Pickford feoture • Ernest Polmer, A.S.C., hos finished shooting "Eost Lynne," on Emmett Flynn production for Fox. • Victor Milner, A.S.C., who hos just completed the filming of R. A. Walsh's production of "The Wonderer" for Fom- ous Ployers-Losky, hos signed o controct for o period of two yeors with Poro- mount. • J. D. Jennings, A.S.C., is filming Mrs. Rudolph Volentino's (Nito Noldi) first production. Thomos Buckinghom is di- recting. • Don Clork, A.S.C., is oil primed to jump bock into his cinemotogrophic hor- ness ogoin, now thot Tom Mix hos re- turned from his triumphont tour of Europe. • Norbert F. Brodin, A.S.C., hos ot lost returned from locution in Conodo where he wos quortered for so long on locu- tion on Fronk Lloyd's lotest production, "Winds of Chonce." • Ernest Holler, A.S.C.. is photogrophing "High ond Hondsome," o Gorson pro- duction storring Mourice Flynn. • Tony Goudio, A.S.C., is still busy on the cinemotogrophy of "Groustork," the lotest Joseph M. Schenck production storring Normo Tolmodge. • John Arnold, A.S.C., is filming King Vidor's production, "The Big Porode," ot the Metro-Goldwyn-Moyer studios. ©John W. Boyle, A.S.C., will be chief cinemotogropher on the First Notionol speciol feoture, "Viennese Medley," which will go into production under the personol supervision of June Mothis. ROY DAVIDGE FILM LABORATORIES Negative Developing , and Daily Print Exclusively 6701 SANTA MONICA BLVD. GRanite 3108 DAN CLARK MARRIES Don Clork, A.S.C., for these mony yeors o single mon, hos finolly joined the ronks of the benedicts. Don on July 3rd morried Miss Mory Dohl ot Coliente, Mexico. The couple kept the secret of their morrioge until lost week when the groom could no longer resist the temptotion of possing out cigors. Don Clork, it will be recoiled, is one of the oce comeromen of the Hollywood studios. He photogrophed oil of the Tom Mix pictures ond recently hos been directing photogrophy for vorious Fox releoses. His lotest picture is "This Is The Life" feoturing Jone Withers, which will soon be releosed. Everything Photographic for Professional and Amateur New ond Used, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Designers and manufac- turers of H. C. E. Combination lens shade and filter-holder for any size lens. Hollywood Camera Exchange 1600 Cahuenga Blvd., Hollywood Tel: HO 3651 Cable Address: HOcamex Send tor Bargain Catalog I I I HIGH FIDELITY Recording Galvanometer (Variable Area System) THE BERNDT-M AURER CORP. 117 EAST 24TH STREET NEW YORK FREQUENCY RANGE 0 to 10,000 Cycles DETAILS Galvanometer element and optical ports ore identical with those of the units pre- viously advertised. Our three models give o choice of physical dimensions which permit o neat and conven- ient installation on any recorder or single system camera. Literature and thorough technical description will be sent on request. To facilitate installation, every order should be accompanied by a sketch showing essential dimensions of recorder or camera. We will mount the unit in your camera or recorder, completely adjust it and furnish o test recording, for o small additional charge. Model "C" High Fidelity Recording Unit $350.00 in U.S.A. The gratifying and consistent expansion of our business has necessitated the removal of our “work-shop” to more com- modious and convenient quarters where we shall be better able to serve our rapidly growing clientele.