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American cinematographer (Aug 1936)

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522 American Cinematographer • August, 1936 OF COURSE! ITS THE BELL & HOWELL EYEMO TAYLOR-HOBSON COOKE SPEED PANCHROS, PANFOS AND VARO LENSES DESCRIBED IN NEW BOOKLET Yoclay you may use it taking a speed sliot from a plane—where cramped space demands an Eyemo lo get that negative. Yonight, yonr Eyemo serves as a studio camera, comjtlete with electric motor drive, sound track mask, magazines, and a turret equipped Mith special purpose lenses, d'omorrow, your Evemo makes animated cartoons and maps and does vour titling. All with one basic camera! Before von buy, see the special Eyemo catalog, which illustrates and describes every type of Eyemo for studio, newsreel, animation, mapping, remote control nature shots, continuous candid camera, and other professional work. Mail the coupon for yonr copy—it’s free! Because their formula brings the Blue G and Red C Fraunhofer lines to the focal plane, Y-If Cooke Speed Panchro and Panfo lenses offer the finest possible correction for the highly panchromatic emulsions now universally used. For full information on T-FT-C F 2 Speed Panchros, the 2JA'' F L3 Special Speed Panchro, the new' ^ F 2.8 Panfo lenses to be available September first, and the Cooke Varo lens for "zoom” shots, see our new booklet. Mail the coupon for your copy. BELL & HOWELL COMPANY Chicago—1848 Larchmont Avenue New York—11 West 42d Street Hollywood—716 N. La Brea Ave- London—14 Great Castle St., W. 1 MAIL THIS COIJPOX BELL & HOWELL COMPANY, 1848 Larchmont Avenue, Chicago Please mail me a copy of your O Standard camera catalog □ Eyemo catalog □ Taylor-Hohson Cooke lens catalog. A'a me Addre s,s City - State