American cinematographer (Aug 1936)

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FOR PROFESSIONAL RESULTS —BE SURE IT’S A BELL & HOWELL ^^^i£0ur yO'D Sound movies? Of course! With special equip- ment Filmo 70-D, master of all personal movie cameras, makes sound movies of theater qual- ity. Start with a 70-D and add hand cranking equipment later. When you’re ready to tackle sound recording, add electric motor drive, 200- or 400-ft. external magazines, a sound recorder. Build as you go, with a Filmo 70-D. Equipped with F 2.7 Tavlor-Tlohson Cooke lens, $188. Other Filmo 16 mm. cameras include the 70-E at $133, the slim 75 at $59.50, and the light, compact, magazine loading 121 complete with F 1.5 fully color corrected T-H Cooke lens, at $117.50; with F 2.7 lens, only $72.50. I ANNOUNCING /3S — the ideal 16 riim, sound-on-film projector for home or club use In the new Filmosound 138, Bell & Howell pre- sents 16 mm. sound-on-fihn projection in its most compact form for home and cluh use. Portable, it packs into a single compact case— speaker and all. Quickly set up for operation, it provides clear, flickerless, rock-steady pictures and high fidelitv sound. Sound and silent films of your own making niav be projected on your Filmosound 138. In addition, Filmosound Library, with branches in scores of cities, offers hundreds of select 16 mm. sound films at moderate rentals . . . choice dra- matic, comedy, cartoon, travel, and adventure films, and educational and religious subjects. Some of these may be purchased outright. Send the coupon for full details. MAIL THIS COUPON FOR FULL INFORMATION BELL & HOWELL COMPANY Chicago Nov York Hollywood London o Since 1907 the uxtrld's largest manufacturer of precision equipment for motion picture studios of HollytctHnl and the u'orld. I BELL & HOVt ELL COMPANY. 1848 Larrhinonl Avenue, Chicago g' i Please send me information on □ Filmo 70-D □ Making sound movies I i with a 70-D □Filmo 16 mm. magazine camera □ Filmo 8 mm. e<]ui|>- I I ment □ Filmosouml □ Sound films. I; I \ame .... . I I I Address .. . . - | ® Cityr State 11 I AC8 36 l|