American cinematographer (May 1937)

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176 American Cinematographer • May, 1937 ryHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CINE- -L ]\IATOGRAPHERS was founded in 1918 for the purpose of bringing' into closei cooperation ail those leaders in cinematog- raphy who strive for pre-eminence in artistic perfection and technical mastery; to further the artistic and scientific advancement of the cinema and its allied crafts through unceas- ing research and experimentation as well as through bringing the artists and the scien- tists of cinematography into more intimate fellowship. Its membership is composed of the outstanding cinematographers of the world, with Associate and Honorary member- ships bestowed upon those who, though not active cinematographers, are engaged none the less in kindred pursuits, and who have by their achievements contributed outstand- ingly to the progress of cinematography as an art and as a science. To further these lofty aims and fittingly to chronicle the prog- ress of cinematography the society’s publi- cation, The American Cinematog'raphei, is dedicated. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CINEMATOGRAPHERS OFFICERS JOHN ARNOLD President VICTOR MILNER First Vice President CHARLES LANG .Second Vice President JAMES VAN TREES . Third Vice Pres. FRED W. JACKMAN Treasurer FRANK B. GOOD Secretary BOARD OF GOVERNORS John Arnold Elmer Dyer Arthur Edeson Georpre Folsey Alfred Gilks Bert Glennon Frank Good Vernon Frederick E. Kley. E> Fred W. Jackman Ray June Charles B. Lang, Jr. Victor Milner Ted Tetzlaff James Van Trees Joseph Walker I.. Walker ?cutive Business Manager PAST PRESIDENTS Philip E. Rosen Gaetano Gaudio James Van Trees John W. Boyle Fred W. Hal Mohr Homer Scott John F. Seitz Daniel B. Clark Jackman Pl'BLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE John Arnold Charles Bell, St. Paul, Minn. Georges Benoit. Paris, France John W. Boyle, London. England Ariel Varges, Tokyo, Japan Charles W. Herbert, New York City Lloyd Knechtel, London, England John Dored, Vienna, Austria Max B. DuPont, Papeete, Tahiti Philip M. Chancellor Reed N. Haythorne, Washington, D. C. Paul Perry, Buenos Aires MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE George Folsey Ted Tetzlaff Alfred Gilks ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE Elmer Dyer Frank B. Good Charles B. Lang, Jr. Vernon Walker Arthur Edeson WELFARE COMMITTEE Ray June James Van Trees Fred W. Jackman RESEARCH COMMITTEE Victor Milner, George A. Mitchell, Dr. Herbert GENERAL COUNSEL Meyer, .Tohn Arnold, F’arciot Edouart, Emery Huse Arthtir C. Webb