Annual report to the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, (1932)

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[27] moral or immoral. Rest assured that you'll save yourself a lot of trouble by staying inside the bounds of propriety." 2. LOEW. "The Loew-Down," house organ for the Loew thea- atres, under the heading "Salacious Ads Will Not Be Tolerated," carried the message: "Of late there has been a tendency in the advertising of motion pictures which reacts tremendously against the best interests of this business. I refer to the salacious and ofl-color advertising that we see so very often. I will not point to any specific examples. I am sure you see it all around you. "At this time I want to impress on your minds that, as far as the Loew Theatres are concerned, we will not counte- nance any such advertising, and I do not want to be placed in an embarrassing position by your inattention to these instructions. "You know the reason for salacious advertising and sala- cious exploitation. It is erroneously based on the theory that it increases business. You can definitely forget such an alibi. It will not be countenanced by us in the analysis of your advertising. "I may say that the same message is going forward to all theatres in all circuits. Any time you see salacious adver- tising on the part of your competitor, cut it out immediately and mail it to our Home office. A constant check will be made by us, by all other circuits, and by the Hays Office, all determined that once and for all we are going to clean up this situation. "The Press Sheets and Advertising Copy furnished you by the various film companies and your own Publicity De- partment will not contain anything objectionable, and while