The art of sound pictures (1930)

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286 INDEX Dubbing, 228 Dynamite, velocity of dialogue in, IIS; dark screen used in, 207 Editors, conservatism of, 32; conference of, 34 Emotion, of audience, how aroused, 16^.; nature of responses in, 17, 107; importance of portrayal of, 127; defined, 129; expressed in action, 135; violent behavior and, 137; restraint and, 138; normal relations of elementary, 146 ; use of pleasant and unpleasant, in stories, 149; compound, explained, 170; unpleasant, 182 Erotic excitement, 156^. Fake twists in plotting, 93 Fear, 182 Feelings, 128 Film successes, analysis of, 21 Fox Follies, color process in, 258 Fox Movietone sound recording apparatus, 223 Gambling, censorship of scenes and titles, 68 Government censorship of scenes and titles, 68 Hatred, 188; use of, in stories, 192 Heroes, 150 Human interest, nature of, 18#. In Old Arizona, music used in, 203 Inducement, illustrated, 142 ; behavior in, 143#. Innocents of Paris, 48 Interlocking, 226 Jealousy, 188 Jolson, Al, appeal of, 22 Kinema Color process, 246 Language, factors in, 109 Last of Mrs. Cheney, rhythm in, 120 Legitimate drama, passing of, 46 Liquor, censorship of scenes and titles with, 69 Love, 160 Love Trap, experiment with, 154/. Lummox, 47 Melodrama defined, 87 Men and love, 160 Modes in pictures, 25 Monitor room, 226 Motion pictures, technique of, 215. See Pictures; Sound Pictures. Movie audiences, quality of, 14^. Multicolor process, 252 Muni, Paul, 92 Music and dialogue, 202 News stories and picture material, 26 Newspapers, value of stories in, 26 Nudity and exposure, censorship of, 69 On With the Shovo, 26 Pagan, use of passion in, 162, 202/. Passion, 156#. Photo-electric cell, 232 Photography of sound waves, 219 Pictures, mode of night club, 20; sex interest in, 21; modes in, 25; successes, 22. See Sound pictures. Pleasantness and unpleasantness, 128 Plots, defined, 83; fake twists in, 93; audience and, 94 Practical considerations in screen productions, 34 Production, cost of, 32, 43