Best broadcasts of 1938-39 (1939)

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BEST BROADCASTS OF 1938-39 Mark my words ... if we don’t hold this spot for Holland and the Company, someone else will! We are alone . . . enemies on every side ! England ready to gobble us up 1 Burgomaster. — As to that, Your Excellency, whether this be the King of England’s colony or we hold it for the Netherlands . . . one rule is like another. . . . {Crowd approving) But if the English were to destroy our farms and take our cattle . . . Stuyvesant. — Your cattle . . . you dunce-head civilians! You would put your herds of cows above your flag ? Burgomaster. — There are many of us here of that mind. Your Excellency. {Crowd up approvingly) The Dutch West India Company does nothing for our protection. They send us no powder, no shot, no ships, no soldiers but the handful we have to face these English. Why should we defend the Company who will do nothing for us ? Sound. — Crowd warmer. Stuyvesant. — Enough! You are a traitor! You are all traitors! I have listened to your idle talk. . . . Now you will listen to me. I know my duty here. We shall defend this colony with what we have ! I will raise the taxes and build a defense if I have to put every burgher in New Amsterdam in irons! {Crowd . . . angry protests) Enough of this! Sergeant! March your men in and clear this hencoop out! I am still the ruler of this colony ! Sound. — Tramp of soldiers , . . scuffle . . . crowd up. Messenger. — {Off) A message for His Excellency! The Director General ! Let me through here ! {Fading in) Excellency ! Stuyvesant. — Yes. Yes. What is it? Let him speak. Messenger. — They’ve come! Four ships. . . . They were sighted from the church steeple ... in the lower bay . . . four ships crowded to . . . the gunwales. . . . Stuyvesant. — Who, man ? Speak up ! Messenger. — The English, Your Excellency! They’re sending a boat ... a flag of truce. . . . Stuyvesant. — Hah! At last they come! Now it is swords . . . not words! You hear that, burgomasters? The English are in the harbor!