Best broadcasts of 1938-39 (1939)

Record Details:

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THE EDDIE DOLL CASE Sound. — Door of car . . . footsteps on cement . . . change footsteps to wood. Haynes. — (Fade in) How do you do. Postmaster. — How do you do, sir. Haynes. — I’d like five 3-cent stamps. Postmaster. — Yes, sir. Sound. — Money on counter. Haynes. — Say ... by the way. . . . Would you direct me to the home of Janet Galaton? Postmaster. — Yes, sir. You turn right ... a mile up the road ... a green house on the right-hand side. Sound. — Sealing letters. Haynes. — Thanks. Thought I’d drop in and surprise her. Postmaster. — She’s not at home now, you know. Haynes. — (Disappointed) Doesn’t she live here any more? Postmaster. — (Laugh) Hasn’t for a year. Married now . . . married some out-of-town fellow. Haynes. — I’m awfully disappointed. Say ... I guess I’ll drop her a postal card from here, though. You don’t happen to know her address offhand, do you ? Postmaster. — Yes. . . . Her folks sent her a package yesterday and insured it. . . . The slip . . . here it is. The package was sent to Mrs. Janet G. Foley, Box 270A, Route No. 2, St. Petersburg, Florida. Haynes. — Thanks. I’ll drop her a card. (Slight pause) Colonel. — That was a clever piece of work. Dr. Simon. Please tell our Palmolive Shave Cream audience how Inspector Haynes followed it up. Simon. — Well, Colonel, 4 days later. Inspector Haynes and special agent Dennison arrived in St. Petersburg and talked with the local post office officials. (Fade in)