Best broadcasts of 1938-39 (1939)

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Seems Radio Is Here to Stay* iaflBOftffiflJMtfl-flja.floeoQQgfl.fl.aooQ a a aflooooQQQOQQOQQooQQ MtJSlc. — Sin^r^rief chord; followed by silenee-. Narrator. — Do we eome on you unaware, Your set untended? Do you put down your paper to lift up an ear, Suspend what you were just about to say, Or stay the fingertip that could snap shut The traps of night between us ? Were you expecting us? Your dial deputized to let us in At thirty minutes after ten along the seaboard on the East, Nine-thirty inland by a thousand miles, A mountain’s half-past-eight. And dinner dishes still tmcleared on shores that face JapaTt?(3^'<1 In either case, good evening or good afternoon, good morning or good night, Whichever best becomes the sector of the sky Arched over your antenna. We wish a thousand words with you Concerning magics that would make a Merlin turn pistachio with envy: The miracle, worn ordinary now, of just such business as this Between your ears and us, and ocean tides of ether. We mean the Genii of the Radio, Kowtowing to Aladdins everywhere, As flashy on the nm as Light, and fvdl of services to ships at sea and planes in air and people in their living rooms, resembling you. * Copyright, 1939, by the Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. 502