Best broadcasts of 1938-39 (1939)

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BEST BROADCASTS OF 1938-39 And fatal to Polomus. Remember it ? Attend, for Hamlet enters now the closet of the Queen. Polonius is hid behind the arras : Hamlet. — Now, mother, what’s the matter? Queen. — Hamlet, thou hast thy father much offended. Hamlet. — Mother, you have my father much offended. Queen. — Come, come, you answer with an idle tongue. Hamlet. — Go, go, you question Narrator This Hamlet was not advertised tonight, and yet a multitude is listening. More than they seated at the Globe in London, incidentally. And none sits in the balcony. The seats of Radio are Row A Center, And the tickets always complimentary. with a wicked tongue. Queen Why, how now, Hamlet ? Hamlet What’s the matter now ? Queen Have you forgot me ? Hamlet No, by the rood, not so. You are the Queen, your husband’s brother’s wife; And — would it were not so — you are my mother. Queen Nay, then, Pll set those to you that can speak. Hamlet Come, come and sit you down. You shall not budge. You go not till I set you up a glass Where you may see the inmost part of you. Queen What wilt thou do? thou wilt not murder me ? Help, help, ho! Polonius {Off) What ho! Help, help, help! Hamlet {Sound of drawing . . . off)