Best broadcasts of 1938-39 (1939)

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SEEMS RADIO IS HERE TO STAY Recording. — Do you want that recorded on 78’s or 33’s. O.K., then, I’ll start to cut on ’phone cue from you. . . . Music. — Instrument sounding “A.” Conductor. — All right, gentlemen, now, take it from “C,” 10, 11,12 measures; and I’d like a little more brass, please, and much heavier afterbeats. All right ? Sound. — Rapping of baton. Music. — Lively, popular dance tune . . . fade under. Narrator. — Here are the toils, the hopes, anxieties, The deals, the overtime put in. Wages and hours, clauses in the contract. Cornerstones laid down. Floors scrubbed and phone calls answered. Memoranda written, figures added up. Pay checks distributed. And inquiries and answers. Second Narrator. — Here is the budget and the copyright release. The time clock and the elevator guard. The whistle in the factory proclaiming noon; The Yes and No and Sorry-try-again, The date for limch. The swell idea. The new man coming in next Monday And the program ending on the nose. Third Narrator. — Here is transmitter tone And resin for the bow And sales gone up by twenty-two per cent. Here is an industry Built out of air and cyclical vibrations. Primed high to entertain, instruct And serve the common weal. So much for our side, here, where studios surround. And now for you, who sit at home or ride in cars Or hear us, visiting a friend. You are the critic and the judge, The mighty ear. 517